Wednesday, July 19, 2023

two gunshots being a suicide

After a local newspaper reported that Webb had died from multiple gunshots, the coroner's office received so many calls asking about Webb's death that Sacramento County Coroner Robert Lyons issued a statement confirming Webb had died by suicide. When asked by local reporters about the possibility of two gunshots being a suicide, Lyons replied "It's unusual in a suicide case to have two shots, but it has been done in the past, and it is in fact a distinct possibility." News coverage noted that there were widespread rumors on the Internet at the time that Webb had been killed as retribution for his "Dark Alliance" series, published eight years before. --Gary Webb
distinct possibility my ass
Back in 1938, when fascism was sweeping Europe, legendary investigative reporter George Seldes observed (in his book, The Lords of the Press) that "it is possible to fool all the people all the time -- when government and press cooperate." Unfortunately, we have reached that point. --The Mighty Wurlitzer Plays On by Gary Webb

. The Mighty Wurlitzer: How the CIA Played America
. интересно, что в Wiki Kristina Borjesson ссылка на ее книгу Into The Buzzsaw отсутствует. не нашли наверное.

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