Tuesday, April 23, 2024

auto-brewery syndrome

Belgian man whose body makes its own alcohol cleared of drunk-driving Bruges court heard how defendant had condition called auto-brewery syndrome sometimes brought on by intestinal problems

везет же людям

битва с Маском в разгаре

целый премьер-министр вмешался: Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese described Elon Musk, above, as an “arrogant billionaire” who was out of touch with the public. - это из статьи Elon Musk accuses Australia of censorship after court bans violent video

Monday, April 22, 2024

Красная площадь

так ее показывают американцам. это The Hill, статья Russia says US support for Ukraine will end as ‘humiliating fiasco’ like ‘Vietnam and Afghanistan’

вот уж точно искаженный микропленкой. молодцы ребята в The Hill, стараются. вот еще, это NYT.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Мари-Агнес Штрак-Циммерман

a "фрау геноцид" вовсе не ее назвали, а Урсулу фон дер Ляйен

Saturday, April 20, 2024

идеи классиков

Я такой старый, что еще помню времена, когда никто не хотел верить в идеи классиков марксизма-ленинизма. --народ

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Sexless Marriage

Can a Sexless Marriage Be a Happy One? Experts and couples are challenging the conventional wisdom that sex is essential to relationships.
While some are questioning the standard of monogamous sex in marriage by exploring polyamorous and open relationships, others are pushing back against the pressure to have sex at all.

NYT продолжает пропихивать разные штуки в окно Овертона.


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

not a moment for small talk

Multiple languages were spoken by the men inside them — Ukrainian, Brazilian, Colombian, Polish — but few words. It was not a moment for small talk. --Looking for a Fight
обширная статья в NYT про иностранных наемников на Украине. с претензией на художественные достоинства. французский язык не упомянут, видимо материал проверен Госдепом. продвигают наемников в окно Овертона осторожно.

власть денег

Люди Средневековья жили в сословном обществе, где власть денег была велика, но не безгранична, как это имеет место при демократии. Высокое положение, даруемое титулом, званием или саном, ценилось больше, чем мы можем себе представить.

--Жизнь Чезаре Борджа, Рафаэль Сабатини

интересно где Сабатини набрался таких подрывных идей. надо посмотреть его биографию.

Monday, April 15, 2024

learned to give up arguing

The sixth century B.C. was arguably the most significant in human evolution since the first caveman inadvertently set fire to his home. Beside witnessing the birth of Confucius, this century also saw the founding of Taoism, the birth of Buddha, and the inception of Greek philosophy. Why these vital intellectual events should have taken place just then, for the most part in civilisations that were in disparate states of development and had no contact with each other, remains a mystery. (Some of the solutions put forward – visits from alien spaceships, exceptional activity on the surface of the sun, brain disease, etc. – would suggest that our mental development has not progressed much since this era.) --Confucius: Philosophy in an Hour by Paul Strathern

дальше там тоже интересно:

What we do know is that Confucius’s father was a minor military official and was seventy at the time of Confucius’s birth. When Confucius was three his father died and he was brought up by his mother. (Curiously, of the dozen or so figures who founded the world’s great philosophies and religions, a large majority were brought up in single-parent families.)

и еще:
‘When I was fifteen I was only interested in studying.’ This was the bedrock of his life, which he would later see as having been divided into distinct stages: ‘… When I was thirty I began my life; at forty I was self-assured; at fifty I understood my place in the vast scheme of things; at sixty I learned to give up arguing; and now at seventy I can do whatever I like without disrupting my life.’
я прямо как сам Конфуций, в том же возрасте научился. а его рассуждения про имена приводят на память Витгенштейна. вот тут про это пишут: Moments of Reticence in the Analects and Wittgenstein

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Saturday, April 13, 2024

The Math on Ukraine

meanwhile NYT publishes in their Opinion section a defeateast article by infamous / notorious J.D. Vance: The Math on Ukraine Doesn’t Add Up (italics are mine - vs)

predictably shitstorm in the comments, almost 2,000 already

hotly debated question

Is It Better to Brush Your Teeth Before Breakfast or After? It’s a hotly debated question in dentistry.

а сколько ангелов может уместиться на острие иглы уже сосчитали?

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Balfour Declaration

Arthur Koestler on Balfour Declaration: “One nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third.”

quoted in Enemies and Neighbors: Arabs and Jews in Palestine and Israel, 1917-2017

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Не могу поступаться принципами

I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust. - настоящая американская Нина Андреева.

очень сдержанные комментарии @ ny_quant ну и ожидаемая буря в стакане воды в twitter, к примеру @bariweiss

upd 4/16: NPR suspends veteran editor as it grapples with his public criticism - недолго музыка играла. ну и 4/18: NPR Editor Who Accused Broadcaster of Liberal Bias Resigns

ну и подробное резюме от zerohedge: NPR Scandal Should Kill Taxpayer-Funded Broadcasting - да щаз...

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

no intention to lecture anybody

“I come here with no intention to lecture anybody or tell anybody what to do or get in the way of the process of politics and other things in the U.S," Cameron said.

“I just come here as a great friend and believer in this country and a believer that it's profoundly in your interest and your security, and your future and the future of all your partners, to release this money and let it through,” he added. --Fresh from Trump meeting, UK’s Cameron gives Ukraine aid the hard sell

someone quipped that everything before the word but is bullshit. here it's the word just.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Saturday, April 6, 2024

AI-Generated Propaganda

AI-Generated Propaganda Is Just as Persuasive as the Real Thing, Worrying Study Finds - кто бы сомневался. статью я не читал, но заголовок хороший. статейка из vice.com, говорят они склеили ласты.

Friday, April 5, 2024


It wasn't an Earthquake....
It was just Lizzo twerking for a NJ kindergarten class.
это читатели Zerohedge шутят в комменариях к заметке про землетрясение. там кстати про Lizzo была на днях смешная статья с видео, Twerking Icon Lizzo Rage-‘Quits,’ Cites Fatphobia
BREAKING: Gov Kathy Hochul says this mornings earthquake in NY was caused by combination of Climate Change and White Supremacy. @GuntherEagleman

Court to decide

Court to decide if Ontario must pay for surgery to make vagina if patient also wants to keep penis: A non-binary Ontario resident is locked in a legal battle over public funding for surgery to create a vagina while leaving the penis intact.