Saturday, July 15, 2023

The high cost of vengeance

The high cost of vengeance by Freda Utley
The pen is still mightier than the sword and responsible for more human misery when unscrupulously employed in "psychological warfare." As Samuel Johnson wrote in the eighteenth century : "I know not whether more is to be feared from streets filled with soldiers accustomed to plunder, or from garrets filled with scribblers accustomed to lie."

Chapter 1, Road to War

это она пишет по поводу истории вообще и истории немецко-французских отношенией в частности. и вот кстати о Рузвельте:
President Roosevelt, by torpedoing the London Economic Conference and devaluating the dollar, gave a further mighty impetus to the economic warfare which was the curtain-raiser to the tragedy of World War II.
вот кстати Байден спотыкается

еще полезно прочесть Chapter 6 The Nuremberg Judgments, "Woe to the Vanquished." и тому подобное. и конечно Chapter 7 Our Crimes against Humanity

It was impossible to travel through the devastated towns of the Western zones without it seeming strange and horrible that we should sit in judgment on the Germans who had never succeeded in killing nearly so many civilians as we did, or in perpetrating worse atrocities than our obliteration bombing of whole cities.
и так далее. там много познавательного, например начиная со слов The effect of my remarks... про Judge Edward Leroy van Roden Allied War Crimes In Germany

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