Wednesday, November 29, 2017

русские лыжницы

Рейс на Куршевель

China Sending Special Forces to Syria


. China To Deploy Elite Troops To Syria To Fight Alongside Assad's Army

. China Reportedly Sending Special Forces to Syria

the machine stops

Why cannot we suffer in silence?

And even the lecturers acquiesced when they found that a lecture on the sea was none the less stimulating when compiled out of other lectures that had already been delivered on the same subject.

“Beware of first-hand ideas!” exclaimed one of the most advanced of them. “First-hand ideas do not really exist. They are but the physical impressions produced by love and fear, and on this gross foundation who could erect a philosophy?

“there will come a generation that had got beyond facts, beyond impressions, a generation absolutely colourless, a generation
‘seraphically free
From taint of personality,’ [George Meredith]
which will see the French Revolution not as it happened, nor as they would like it to have happened, but as it would have happened...”

...terrestrial facts must be ignored

The second great development was the re-establishment of religion.

... the ecstasy of touching a button

The Central Committee

Committee of the Mending Apparatus

Humanity, in its desire for comfort, had over-reached itself. It had exploited the riches of nature too far. Quietly and complacently, it was sinking into decadence, and progress had come to mean the progress of the Machine.

“Some one is meddling with the Machine"

The Machine Stops by by E.M. Forster, 1909

овцы целы

сериал Ray Donovan начинается сценой, в которой черный парень просыпается утром в постели с белой женщиной.

зрителя тут же успокаивают: парень откидывает одеяло, и видно, что женщина мертва, лицо в крови.

но авторы фильма решили, что для полного успокоения зрителя этого недостаточно, и черный парень звонит своему знакомому и говорит громко и отчетливо: "I didn't even fuck her!"

политкорректность торжествует, но и картина мира не разрушена, слава богу. и волки сыты, и овцы целки, как в народе говорят.

дальше смотреть не стал, ну его нахер

Monday, November 27, 2017

бетризацию - в массы

nyt разъясняет, что мужчины вообще опасны, как класс: The Unexamined Brutality of the Male Libido

ну, за поголовную бетризацию, товарищи!

кстати, пора в школе учить не только Возвращение со звезд, но и The Wanting Seed:
There is also active discrimination against heterosexuals, homosexuality being encouraged as a measure against overpopulation. Self-sterilization is also encouraged. ... Very much alike at first, Derek chose a different path from Tristram and pretends to be homosexual while in public to help his career as a government official.
гениальные провидцы Лем и Бёрджес...

see also We give fairytales a politically correct makeover after Sleeping Beauty’s Prince exposed as a ‘sex pest’

also Online trolls are most likely to be male and exhibit higher levels of psychopathy and sadism [and are Russian]

Sunday, November 26, 2017


Putin Crowns Himself OPEC King -

Цену на нефть теперь контролирует не ОПЕК, а Путин: Bloomberg

Friday, November 24, 2017

крепкая верность

Три причины, государь мой, неодолимо препятствуют мне согласиться на зазорное предложение ваше: я в верном замужестве, в чужом дому, и в новом кринолине.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

rise and fall

пьяные мальчики в Британии

Forensics 'manipulation': 10,000 cases in England and Wales reviewed: Policing chiefs say confidence in the criminal justice system has been rocked by the alleged manipulation of data at a forensics laboratory that has led to the review of 10,000 cases across England and Wales.

Police said so far two cases involving road deaths had been referred to the court of appeal. Around 50 cases of drug-driving have already been discontinued.

Monday, November 20, 2017

censuring of public discourse

In January 2015, David Ransel, an Indiana University professor and former editor of the American Historical Review, wrote a letter to the association, saying that its handling of the matter "reeks of a censuring of public discourse and should be regarded by all decent people as a profound embarrassment to our association." It was signed by more than 60 scholars. A few months later, the group finally approved the Cohen-Tucker Dissertation Research Fellowship Program, which is still in existence. - Is This Professor ‘Putin’s American Apologist’?
добавлю от себя: вызывает уважение David Ransel. не потому ли он former editor

Sunday, November 19, 2017

говорили очень много

Что бы кто ни говорил, а говорили очень много, нельзя было сказать никому, что то, что он говорит, неверно. Сказать этого было нельзя. Надо было говорить: «Да, верно». Говорить «нет» было нельзя — смерть. И эти люди через каждое слово говорили: «Свобода». Как странно. - это Константин Алексеевич Коровин записывает сразу после революции
очень современно звучит, прямо Campus free speech is on its deathbed

там же
— Где же их найдешь. И кому отдашь. Это нельзя… запрещено… Это будет развращение народных масс. За это мы расстреливаем.
а это напоминает Стругацких "Хищные вещи века"
"-Так по вашему, идея в том, что "Теперь вы свободны - развлекайтесь?" -Да! - ответил человек во фраке. - Народ это заслужил. -А вот я думаю, что борцы за свободу думали иначе: "Теперь вы свободны - работайте!" - Марксист???!!! - удивился человек... Да, у нас нет марксистов - мы их вешаем."
интересно, что из нынешнего текста этот отрывок отредактирован...

Friday, November 17, 2017

Senator Frankenstien

не зря я болел за Трампа. anything but boring.

Trump slams Senator 'Frankenstien' in tweets

nyt трогательно отвечает "сам дурак": In Mocking Franken, Trump Ignores His Own History

somehow Russian meddling is conspicuously absent from this groping discourse

Thursday, November 16, 2017

срок хранения

Всех нас хранит Господь, только срок хранения разный.

Нельзя так просто взять выбросить человека из головы. А из окна - можно.

conspiracy is optimistic

Когда ты молод и смотришь телевизор, то думаешь, что телекомпании сговорились и хотят сделать людей тупыми. Но потом ты взрослеешь и приходит понимание: люди сами этого хотят. И это гораздо более пугающая мысль. Заговор - это не страшно. Ты можешь пристрелить ублюдков, начать революцию! Но нет никакого заговора, телекомпании просто удовлетворяют спрос. - Стив Джобс

When you’re young, you look at television and think, There’s a conspiracy. The networks have conspired to dumb us down. But when you get a little older, you realize that’s not true. The networks are in business to give people exactly what they want. That’s a far more depressing thought. Conspiracy is optimistic! You can shoot the bastards! We can have a revolution! But the networks are really in business to give people what they want. It’s the truth. - Steve Jobs
same exact people who read New York Post every morning find Dostoyevsky depressing © yhs

новости искусства

Art is what you can get away with. © Andy Warhol

«Искусство — это то, что сошло вам с рук». Энди Уорхолл

Untitled, the largest example from Cy Twombly’s legendary Bacchus series, sells for $46,437,500. - Christie's‏

via avva

upd 04/28/18: French museum discovers half of its collection are fakes

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Age of consent

Last week in Meaux, east of the French capital, a jury acquitted a man accused of raping an 11-year-old girl in 2009. It decided that the prosecution had not sufficiently established any of the elements that legally constitute rape in France, which are “constraint, threat, violence or surprise”.
The accused in the case was 22 when he approached an 11-year-old girl playing with her cousin in an apartment building courtyard in Champs-sur-Marne in August 2009. At trial, the defense had argued that the sexual relations that followed in a park were consensual and that the alleged victim had lied about her age, saying she was nearly 15, a claim the girl denied. The girl’s family did not learn of the incident until 2010, when it was discovered she was pregnant. She later gave birth to a child, now aged 7, who was taken into foster care.

- Age of consent

RT излагает яснее: France may set age of consent at 13 after man acquitted of raping 11yo

Monday, November 13, 2017

Sunday, November 12, 2017

все равно нравятся

Друзья корили древнегреческого полководца Алкивиада:
- Ну что ты нашел в этой гетере Лаисе, зачем путаешься с ней? Ведь она не любит тебя!
- Видите ли, вино и рыба меня тоже не любят, но мне они все равно очень нравятся, - ответил Алкивидиад.
Женщина может обидеться на вас, если вы видите в ней женщину, а не человека... или человека, а не женщину.
Дурманящий запах - это запах, который манит дур.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

photographic memory

Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film. - fortune cookie

do not recall ever seeing anything even remotely finny in a fortune cookie

правда, много лет назад получил (храню до сих пор) You will be recognized and honored as a community leader.

и вне связи с предыдущим

Жизнь прожить надо так, чтобы потом все хором воскликнули: "Ну наконец-то!". - народ

Friday, November 10, 2017

пятница, 1952 год, Париж

Russians are inveterate liars

Have you noticed that the Russians are inveterate liars spewing disinformation everywhere, except when a Russian is dishing dirt on Trump, in which case they are telling the gospel truth? - @ Streetwise Professor

via Ссылка на память

see also Did Donna Brazile Find a Horse’s Head in Her Bed This Morning?

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Julian Jaynes

“Consciousness,” - Jaynes tells readers, in a passage that can be seen as a challenge to future students of philosophy and cognitive science, - “is a much smaller part of our mental life than we are conscious of, because we cannot be conscious of what we are not conscious of.” - Consciousness Began When the Gods Stopped Speaking
Julian Jaynes
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind [pdf]
The Helpless Spectator Theory [см. также пассажир мозга]

In reaction to such metaphysical speculations, there grew up through this early period of evolutionary thinking an increasingly materialist view. It was a position more consistent with straight natural selection. It even had inherent in it that acrid pessimism that is sometimes curiously associated with really hard science. This doctrine assures us consciousness does nothing at all, and in fact can do nothing. - pg 10

The function of meter in poetry is to drive the electrical activity of the brain, and most certainly to relax the normal emotional inhibitions of both chanter and listener - pg 74
от себя добавлю: сознание - это другие. consciousness is others. не зря conscience и consciousness так похожи. compare Sartre“There’s no need for red-hot pokers. HELL IS OTHER PEOPLE!”

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

golan crimea

During her trip in August, the Israeli government invited Patel to visit the Golan Heights, which was captured from neighboring Syria during the 1967 Six-Day War and has been settled by Israelis.

Britain, alongside most of the international community, considers the Golan occupied territory. Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will retain full control of the high plateau forever and will never return the region to Syria.

- British official quits over talks with Israeli officials

Netanyahu has vowed - крымнаш, в общем

текст в исключительно осторожный, но кое-что можно понять:
Patel said she was investigating ways for Britain to support Israeli efforts to treat Syrians wounded in the civil war. They are taken across the border by army medics serving in the Israel Defense Forces and treated – at Israeli taxpayer expense – in Israeli hospitals.

at Israeli taxpayer expense - как трогательно

везде кроме - еще большая невнятица

но в Google News по словам golan crimea находится, в частности, America, Crimea and the Dangers of Hypocrisy, там есть про Golan Heights все, што надо. но это, конечно, антисемитизм в чистом виде.

вот Independent честно признается: Priti Patel ‘visited Israeli military hospital in illegally occupied Golan Heights’

и, наконец, The Times вносит еще бо́льшую ясность:  Priti Patel sought cash for Golan Heights hospital treating Syrian jihadists

Monday, November 6, 2017

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Larry David, women and the Holocaust

Larry David’s joke referencing the Holocaust didn’t go over so well with many “Saturday Night Live” viewers.:
"I've always been obsessed with women, and I've often wondered if I'd grown up in Poland when Hitler came to power and was sent to a concentration camp, would I be checking women out in the camp? I think I would."
ну и, штобы два раза не вставать, Придуманы носки для борьбы с приставаниями и домогательствами

Появление модели вызвало неоднозначную реакцию у пользователей социальной сети. Так, один из пользователей заявил, что подобные шутки оскорбляют жертв харассмента: «Какая смешная тема — сексуальные домогательства. Ну просто обхохочешься. И как удивительно, что именно мужчина решил обесценить эту тему», — написал он.

Friday, November 3, 2017

unwanted thoughts

Scientists find key to unwanted thoughts: Have you ever wanted to stop ruminating on something and just been unable to? Scientists could have the secret. They have identified a chemical in the brain's "memory" region that allows us to suppress unwanted thoughts.
how about suppressing all thoughts? one bullet should be enough in most cases

brave new fucking world my ass

or is it brave fucking new world

Haydn Piano Trio

Piano Trio No. 18 HOB XV:5 in G

COMPOSER: Franz Joseph Haydn
ENSEMBLES: Haydn Trio Eisenstadt
ALBUM: Piano Trio No. 18 HOB XV:5


Thursday, November 2, 2017

spin supreme

Today the many people who believed the 2016 Democratic Primary was rigged in favor of Secretary Clinton had their beliefs confirmed in a stunning show of political courage by Donna Brazile. - HuffPo

political courage my ass

Russians anyone?

я давно говорил, мадам Клинтон сливают. слили уже, собственно.

upd 11/3: not a single mention of Donna on the front page of the nyt nor in the Google US News page
upd 11/5:Hillary’s Campaign Accuses Donna Brazile Of Spreading ‘False Russian-Fueled Propaganda’

Trump in nyt

11/02 - 22
11/03 - 21 at 7 am, 29 at 5 pm
11/04 - 22
11/05 - 12 - Sun
11/08 - 25
12/19 - 9

3/29/19 - 1 - yes, it's only ONE. reason? end of Mueller investigation. this he said at a hugely successful rally in Michigan:

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

о слабых нациях

...ни один человек в Европе не призна́ет, что мы действовали под влиянием импульса великодушия, так как в поведении слабых наций никогда не видят благородства; напротив, они скажут, что мы испугались общественного мнения в Европе, и побоялись сурово обойтись с европейским принцем, нашим сувереном. - Максимилиан и Хуарес

...feeble nations are never considered to be generous; on the contrary, they will say that we acted through fear of public opinion in Europe, and because we dared not to treat with severity a European Prince, our sovereign. - pg 276, Maximilian and Juarez