Saturday, July 29, 2023

кислотные дожди и прочая хрень

First it was acid rain, then it was was the ozone layer disappearing, then it was global warming, then it was the ice caps are going to melt and now it’s climate change. And what’s the only thing that’s actually changed in that time? The amount of tax we pay to ‘combat’ this so called climate change. Mr Al Gore has made quite a lot of cash on the back of his fight against ‘climate change’. Obama told us that the sea will rise by 10ft because of ‘climate change’ when he was in office, yet he bought a waterfront property after he left office. Why would anyone do that if they knew sea levels were about to rise 10ft in the next decade? @backtolife_2023
в комментариях там немало интересного, в частности упоминается State of Fear by Michael Crichton, очень даже познавательная и увлекательная статья в Wiki. книгу читать не обязательно, достаточно статьи.

см. также Columnist Accuses Crichton of ‘Literary Hit-and-Run’ и вообще по crichton crowley много забавного

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