Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Monday, January 30, 2017

Lucio Silla

Lucio Silla, K. 135: Fuor di queste urne dolente
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Edita Gruberova, soprano Vienna Concentus Musicus Arnold Schoenberg Choir Nikolaus Harnoncourt, conductor




Новая жизнь «Венеры» Боттичелли

Sunday, January 29, 2017


Tosca (1941); фильм черно-белый однако. очень убедительный.

поют мало, обычное кино, точно по либретто. Висконти - помощник режиссера, один из первых его фильмов.

первая ссылка, связанная с оперой, появляется только в конце третьей страницы google search results при поиске скарпио; при поиске scarpio - в начале четвертой. отчасти это из-за Ford Scorpio, вероятно.

еще Мелкий бес, очень точно по книге снят, играют все замечательно, особенно женские роли: Варвара (Ирина Розанова) и Людмила (Полина Кутепова).


Хрестоматия андеграундной поэзии

Unisex toilet training

Berlin 24/7: Unisex toilet training for the entire city

ну и чтобы два раза не вставать
NHS doctors have been told not to call pregnant women ‘expectant mothers’ because it might offend transgender people, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. The astonishing warning comes in official guidelines issued by the British Medical Association to its 160,000 members, which says mothers-to-be should be referred to as ‘pregnant people’ instead. - dailymail.co.uk

Friday, January 27, 2017


Who supplies the news? - Patrick Cockburn on misreporting in Syria and Iraq in LRB

достаточно прочесть одну фразу в начале последнего абзаца: There are many similarities between the sieges of Mosul and East Aleppo, but they were reported very differently.

похоже, свежий ветерок подул из Вашингтона.


1944                           1960                          2017

peaceful transition of power

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Нуланд покидает

«Жесткая» Нуланд уходит в отставку

good riddance (to bad rubbish)

давай досвиданья

ну и заодно British prime minister congratulates Trump, tells Republicans the days of interventionism are finished. звучит как музыка

Theresa May has told US Republicans the UK and America cannot return to "failed" military interventions "to remake the world in our own image". - bbc

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

routine surveillance

The FBI has reviewed intercepted phone calls between national security adviser Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador to the US and has found no evidence of wrongdoing, it was revealed Monday.

The calls were made in late December and picked up as part of routine electronic surveillance of Russian officials. They did not reveal any illicit ties between Flynn and Russia, according to the Washington Post. - nypost.com
собственно, ничего особенно интересного. разве вот - а британский посол - тоже объект routine electronic surveillance? а немецкий? а французский? гражданин Сноуден, вроде, пояснил, что все под богом (NSA that is) ходим. включая глав государств.


Shaun Tan

@ Love by Коля Сулима

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Ватные евреи Трампа

Ватные евреи Трампа © rms1

хорошо излагает. В мутной воде рыбка всегда кошерна, ну да.

действительно, борьба идет между евреями в стиле The Culture of Critique и настоящими евреями, соблюдающими кашрут и субботу. в NYT, ясное дело, заправляют первые.

Антисемит это не тот, кто не любит евреев, а тот, кого не любят евреи. © Джо Собран

Monday, January 23, 2017

Сухаревский бульвар

Сухаревский бульвар
Фото 1931 г. А. Родченко.

via горизонт завален, конечно, изрядно

она утонула

LONDON — Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain refused to comment on Sunday about the reported failure of an unarmed British Trident missile that was test-fired from a submarine off the coast of Florida in June. - nyt

see also Trident: Defence Secretary refuses to give test missile details

Divertimento for Winds

Divertimento for Winds in B-flat Major, H2 No. 46 "St. Anthony Chorale"
Franz Joseph Haydn

Ensemble Wien-Berlin
CBS Masterworks 39558
length: 10:56


Sunday, January 22, 2017


And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. - Revelation 10:10

опрос про кошку

Представьте, что в вашем доме начался сильный пожар. И у вас есть время вынести из дома только что-то одно – кошку или картину Рембрандта @ mi3ch

согласно принципу минимума страдания, вынести нужно кошку. и после этого следует немедленно ее усыпить. © впс

Saturday, January 21, 2017

propaganda, not prophecy

To put it bluntly, the book of Daniel, like much else in the Bible, is propaganda, not prophecy. - A History of the End of the World by Jonathan Kisrch

Friday, January 20, 2017

Thursday, January 19, 2017

пенсионеры путают след

Two anonymous sources said one allegation involves whether a system for routinely paying thousands of Russian-American pensioners may have funded some of the email hackings.

The sources added the pension system either directly paid email hackers in the U.S. or supplied money to intermediaries who then funded them. - The Hill
между тем FBI investigators concluded the Russian government was behind the breaches in part because most of the intrusions occurred between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Moscow time and dropped off during Russian holidays. latimes.com - важная улика.

так что русские хакеры работают в Москве, но деньги им переводят через русских пенсионеров в США. чтобы запутать след.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

fatuous ideology

British leaders, however, could not rid themselves of the fatuous ideology which said that supporters of Progress were necessarily a Good Thing: they simply could not see that, in Germany, it was not the forces of aristocratic reaction, but the forces of radical modernity which were implacably and specifically bent on disputing Britain's position in the world. - Englanders and Huns by James Hawes
от себя добавлю: когда дело касается позиции в мире, иначе говоря, места под солнцем, трудно ожидать добровольных уступок от кого бы то ни было. британцам следовало бы взглянуть на себя со стороны...


. The prisoners using yoga to stop fights

. What does the trend for smaller nipples say about us?

. Cannibalism Has Never Looked As Endearing As It Does in the New Santa Clarita Diet Trailer

художник павленский

Художник Павленский покинул Россию из-за обвинений в сексуальном насилии

надо ему в Лондон, в посольство Эквадора. если Ассанж пустит, конечно.

художник павленский, налейте вина...

художник my ass

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

жизнь налаживается

Chelsea Manning: majority of prison sentence commuted by Barack Obama

от себя добавлю: большое спасибо Обаме

кстати, Захарова сообщила о продлении Сноудену вида на жительство в России, так что спасибо и Путину

Здесь царит хаос

-- Мое почтение! -- обратился ко мне земский врач. -- Очень рад, что хоть вы пришли... Скажите, пожалуйста, кто здесь хозяин?
-- Здесь нет хозяина... Здесь царит хаос... -- сказал я.

Драма на охоте

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Miss Helsinki 2017

Miss Helsinki 2017 Sephora Ikalaba

Miss Helsinki 2017: Ever get the feeling that a diversity box just had to be ticked?

otherwise conspicuously absent from English Google search results (except for the sites like diversitymachtfrei.blogspot.de and dailystormer.com)

вот HuffPo отметилась. но по-итальянски.


too much - or not enough

последние дни просто не поспеть за идиотскими новостями, не говоря уже про всяческий макабр. скучно жить, мой Евгений...

ну что тут скажешь про
An Israeli embassy official has been caught on camera in an undercover sting plotting to “take down” MPs regarded as hostile, including foreign office minister Sir Alan Duncan, an outspoken supporter of a Palestinian state. - Israeli diplomat caught on camera plotting to 'take down' UK MPs
или вот ‘Clinton quite effective at discrediting herself, doesn’t need Putin’s help’ - ex CIA analyst

or take a look at stinking nyt, they buried 4 Die as Truck Rams Into Israeli Soldiers in Jerusalem somewhre deep down their front page whereas German truck attack ran with bold typeface at the top of their front page for days. why? political fucking expediency.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Драма на охоте

Девушка в красном пропустила нас мимо себя, по-видимому, не обращая на нас ни малейшего внимания. Глаза ее глядели куда-то в сторону, но я, человек, знающий женщин, чувствовал на своем лице ее зрачки.
-- Нет, это неправда! -- наивно вздохнула Оленька. -- Это платье дешевое, не может быть оно хорошим.
героиня появляется только где-то ближе к середине рассказа
Пока граф изливал свой гнев, а Ольга утирала слезы, человек подал жареных куропаток. Граф положил гостье полкуропатки... Она отрицательно покачала головой, потом же как бы машинально взяла вилку и нож и начала есть. За куропаткой следовала большая рюмка вина, и скоро от слез не осталось никакого следа, кроме розовых пятен около глаз да редких глубоких вздохов.

см. также и переходит в аппетит

Friday, January 6, 2017


Bank of Russia Governor Elvira Nabiullina. © Mikhail Voskresenskiy / Sputnik

Elvira Nabiullina, the head of Russia’s central bank, has been named the best Central Bank Governor in Europe in 2016 by the international financial magazine, The Banker. - RT

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

anti-AI arguments

...a familiar feature of anti-AI arguments to this day is that they first assert AI’s metaphysical impossibility, and then try to bolster that position with claims about AI’s practical difficulties.
Because of this, I suspect that many people who say they consider AI a metaphysical impossibility, really consider it only a practical impossibility: they simply have not carried the requisite thought experiment far enough to see the difference between the two.

- Why Philosophers Should Care About Computational Complexity by Scott Aaronson
дальше там про Пенроуза забавно. а тут вообще можно от смеха умереть:
One famous exception is John Searle [115], who has made it clear that, if (say) his best friend turned out to be controlled by a microchip rather than a brain, then he would regard his friend as never having been a person at all.

Russian hackers redux

. The Guardian’s Summary of Julian Assange’s Interview Went Viral and Was Completely False theintercept.com
. U.S. Intelligence Got the Wrong Cyber Bear - bloomberg.com
. Something About This Russia Story Stinks - rollingstone.com

see also The strange tale of a dating site’s attacks on WikiLeaks founder Assange and @ zerohedge

see also
John Harwood, the Hillary Clinton operative who poses as a CNBC correspondent and New York Times contributor, got a bit of surprise when he put a poll on his twitter feed asking, “Who do you believe America? Wikileaks, or US intel officials.” By more than 2 to 1, respondents chose Wikileaks. - The establishment doubles down on the phony ‘Russia hacking’ narrative despite zero evidence

and from zerohedge: John Harwood Asks "Who Do You Believe America?" - Gets Surprising Answer

upd 1/8/17: ‘What’s the Big Deal?’ Ask Trump Voters on Russia Hacking Report, finally nyt admits there are different opinions.

Monday, January 2, 2017

reluctant Imperialist

He [Bismarck - vs] famously dismissed one enthusiast of colonisation by pointing to the map of Europe on his office wall and declaring that this was his map of Africa. - Englanders and Huns, pg 242, James Hawes
see also
By 1886 the process of colonialism was ended as Bismarck, the reluctant Imperialist, turned his attention back to Europe. Famously he said to an African explorer “my map of Africa lies in Europe. Here is Russia and here is France with Germany in the middle; that is my map of Africa.” - Bismarck’s Foreign Policy 1871-1890

and National Liberal Party (Germany)

все это за 50 лет до Гитлера