Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The Jesus Hoax

The Jesus Hoax: How St. Paul's Cabal Fooled the World for Two Thousand Years - это книга одного David Skrbina. from amazon blurb:
In this book, Dr. David Skrbina presents a profound and stunning theory: that St. Paul and a band of friends constructed a 'Jesus hoax.' They took a kernel of truth based on Jesus, the man, and turned him into the divine savior of humanity. They did so as a way to strike back at the hated Roman Empire, and to undermine its strength among the common people. The absolute lack of corroborating evidence for the so-called biblical Jesus, and the fact that key documents such as the four Gospels were written decades after his time, all support this theory.
profound & stunning, no shit

а вот Review of David Skrbina’s The Jesus Hoax - написал сам Kevin MacDonald. среди прочего он пишет про себя: I am not a believer - очень интересно. MacDonald как всегда brilliant, хотя бы взять один абзац, начинающийся со слов This is presented as an issue of cleverness. и дальше, про martirdom, он ссылается на The Myth of Persecution by Candida R. Moss, тоже познавательно.

Individual souls were seen as having moral agency and equal value in the eyes of God—a theology that has had very negative effects in the contemporary world. - wow

Religious thinking is by its nature unbounded—it is infinitely malleable - wow!

amazon reviews тоже очень интересные, оценки - от 1 звезды до пяти. названия - от A gripping and astonishing idea до Idiosyncratic Ideas и Obnoxious pasquil.

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