Saturday, May 16, 2020

Normal People

Normal People (TV series)

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из отзывов на книжку на amazon:
Waste of time. The characters are flat, the content (there really is no plot) is boring and insipid, and the mechanics of her writing are so rote it becomes more than an annoyance. I absolutely hated this book and hated that it sucked hours of my life reading it.
In her new novel, NORMAL PEOPLE, Rooney is like the anti-zeitgeist zeitgeist writer, or the anti-hip hip writer. (sic!)
Do you ever consider the profound impact significant others have on your life?
I'm feeling tired just thinking about explaining myself and the annoyance, disappointment and... almost hurt I experienced while reading "Normal People". I want my money back!
see also reader's comments in The Guardian review

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