Just had a fascinating conversation with my smartest friend who is also anti-Trump. He says he gets his news from CNN, MSNBC and the NY Times. So I tested him to see the quality of his general knowledge on the hydroxychloroquine story. @ScottAdamsSaysдлиннющая ветка про то, что реально происходит вокруг hydroxychloroquine
You’re unlikely to catch coronavirus by touching objects as it doesn’t spread easily on surfaces, CDC claims but still Clean shared surfaces often, and wash your hands or use sanitizer when you’re out in public places.

а вот JPMorgan study finds COVID-19 infection rates have declined — not increased — in states that have reopened
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еще один диссидент: Lockdown was a waste of time and could kill more than it saved, claims Nobel laureate scientist at Stanford University, это Michael Levitt, упомянут также David Richards.
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