Monday, May 18, 2020

жертва пешки

Is Ronan Farrow Too Good to Be True? - серьезный наезд на Ронана, no holds barred. зачем? почему? а вот поэтому:
Americans are now watching this complicated form of reporting play out in the stories about Tara Reade, who has accused Joe Biden of assaulting her.
and here's the proof of even-handedness:
We are living in an era of conspiracies and dangerous untruths — many pushed by President Trump, but others hyped by his enemies — that have lured ordinary Americans into passionately believing wild and unfounded theories and fiercely rejecting evidence to the contrary.
финал читается как punchline:
Mr. Farrow tweeted that a “source involved in Weinstein trial tells me close to 50 potential jurors have been sent home because they said they’d read Catch and Kill.”
And Jan Ransom, a reporter who covered the trial for the Times, was there. The actual number of potential jurors who read the book, according to Ms. Ransom’s reporting? Two.
в комментариях возмущенные читатели обвиняют автора статьи в зависти, но это зря. просто жертва пешки. sorry, nothing personal. есть и комментарии в поддержку автора статьи, впрочем. в целом комментарии заслуживают внимания.

статья написана отлично, однако. лучше, чем New Yorker junk


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