Friday, December 18, 2009

пинаем либермана

сначала мягко:
Lieberman thinks he's so righteous that he doesn't have to be learn what's in the bill because G-d will make sure he's right about everything all the time. He always has a kind of dopey arrogant look on his face. It's a hard job being so much better than everyone else, isn't it Joe? I'll bet you get soooo tired. - Patricia
ну и пожестче:
Lieberman is spiteful, insincere, devious, opportunistic and unprincipled. He is impossible to stomach. He exudes an oily smugness that is appalling. He stands for the health insurance industry, and against us. We should remember him. Come the next election for his senate seat, I will give money to his opponent. Everyone should. - Stephen Rifkin
на мой вкус - все равно мягко. если б я пнул - модераторы бы отфильтровали базар.

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