Friday, October 23, 2009


"...physical force, that unmistakable evidence of sovereignty" - Hawthorne, Blithedale Romance. Veblen himself would not have put this better. The context is also enlightening:
"I would call upon my sex," rails Hollingsworth, "to use its physical force, that unmistakeable evidence of sovereignty, to scourge them back within their proper bounds!"
see also In a pig's eye: masculinity, mastery, and the returned gaze of The Blithedale Romance.
Altogether, by projecting our minds outward, we had imparted a show of novelty to existence, and contemplated it as hopefully as if the soil beneath our feet had not been fathom-deep with the dust of deluded generations, on every one of which, as on ourselves, the world had imposed itself as a hitherto unwedded bride.

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