Saturday, October 1, 2022

Paul Craig Roberts розжыгает

Are Jews Again Driving the Western World Into a Fatal War? - это Paul Craig Roberts.
In the Biden regime all powerful positions are held by Jews–the Attorney General (the police), the Secretary of the Treasury (money), the Secretary of State (foreign policy and war). There is not a single White Anglo-Saxon Protestant in the Biden cabinet. What explains that in a country of gentiles a tiny minority of Jews occupy the power positions in the US government, the power positions in the media, entertainment, Ivy league administrations and faculties, and finance?
нет ли тут антисемитизма... да есть конечно. там полно ссылок, читать не перечитать, о Второй Мировой. а вот его Как Америка была потеряна: От 9/11 к полицейскому государству

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