Wednesday, June 16, 2021

перечень обид

Even among Russians who actively support democracy, the rule of law and human rights, Mr. Biden won’t find much support. Over the past decades, many Russian liberals have become disillusioned with the West, especially the United States. For some, America’s image started to crack with the bombing of Yugoslavia and the war in Iraq. For others, it was the revelations of WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden, which brought to light a host of America’s covert operations and dirty dealings, that soured feelings of admiration. - Sorry, Biden. Putin Honestly Could Not Care Less.
что ж, для NYT - довольно трезвая оценка, Elena Chernenko права, whoever she is. могла бы добавить гражданку Нуланд с печеньками, славную победу демократии в Ираке и Ливии, ну и еще много чего.

Я слышу всё, и горестные шепоты / И деловитый перечень обид.

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