Friday, December 25, 2020

genetic collapse

We shall find out one day if, as many biologists fear, over-protection of the human being, like underpredation in the reindeer herd on St. Paul's Island, will produce a genetic collapse in those very populations most addicted to the compassionate way. If so, it will be an appropriate biological conclusion to a misapplied philosophy. Yet I find it a conclusion too appropriate. Human arrangements are seldom so tidy.
ближе к концу предсказания Ardrey становятся все более откровенно мрачными.
...we must look for means of enforced contraception, whether through taxation on surplus children, or through more severe but more democratic means such as a conception license replacing or supplementing the marriage license.
кремлевский мечтатель... дальше он пишет про другие факторы, ограничивающие рост населения, включая стресс и смерть в результате автомобильных аварий, и - in the same breath -
Homosexuality should not be neglected. Already it subtracts 4 or 5 percent from the American breeding population. We could do better. ... Suicide too offers splendid vistas. We fall far behind such advanced peoples as the Swedes and the Swiss. Here too we could do better.
странно, что его книги продолжают переиздавать - даже в 2014-м. интересно, нет ли там купюр в определенных местах.

со слов The sex life of the ten-spined stickleback has its lurid-aspects, even when all goes well. очень забавно. и дальше - довольно жуткие эксперименты с крысами, John Calhoun. финал там вообще ударный:

... one most incisive observation has been little recorded. The rats enjoyed the behavioral sink. The females in particular seemed incapable of resisting the social excitement of the middle pens. Protected harem females sought the middle pens when in estrus, without interference from their overlords. Although food and water was available in the protected pens, almost all sought the middle-pen hoppers. Their behavior in the rat mob was no different from that of the non-harem females. The one advantage protecting their young was the peace and the order of the end pens, to which they could retreat. But while the end-pen alphas never left their estates, only 3 percent of their females could resist the crowd.

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