Thursday, December 3, 2020

еще Ardrey

One must conclude, as did Wecker, that early experience reinforcing an innate pattern, though unexercised for twenty generations, is sufficient to renew the pattern with all its original force. But early experience that, as in the woodlot litters, runs contrary to the race's evolutionary history has no more than random consequence. Learning, in other words, comes more easily to those with an appropriate evolutionary background than to those for whom an environment carries no evolutionary relevance. - Ardrey
об этом пишет Kevin Mitchell в Innate

еще интересно на стр. 153:

The most prevalent of the many arrangements was first conclusively demonstrated by Eliot Howard's observations of countless species of finches and buntings, warblers, lapwings, woodpeckers in which the female is sexually unresponsive to an unpropertied male. The Marxist mind may be properly revolted by such conduct, and gloomily conclude that the study of animal behavior can come to no good. But the way of the lapwing persists. Furthermore, later research demonstrated the converse of Howard's proposition: the unpropertied or dominated male tends to be psychologically castrated.

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