Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Портрет в интерьере

Радоман, Игорь Владимирович, Портрет в интерьере, 1965

шутки чумного времени

- А почему маски такие дорогие?!
- Они с нагрузкой, к ним бирочка на ногу прилагается.

Отставной прапорщик Сидоров и представить себе не мог, что 300 комплектов ОЗК и 500 противогазов, спижженых в начале 2000-х, сделают его олигархом в марте 2020.

Фильм "Я шагаю по Москве" признан экстремистским.

- Это бельевая веревка?
- Повесите белье - будет бельевая!

По вечерам Пьер Кюри любил лежать в кровати и читать книгу при свете жены.

Как говорят электрики, лучше изоляция, чем заземление.

Жуть стала лучше, жуть стала веселее!

mass media

cockroach can survive nuclear blast, but you can kill it with a newspaper. that shows how dangerous mass media is. - anon

Тараканы могут выжить при ядерной войне, а от удара газетой – погибают. Это доказывает, насколько опасны современные СМИ. - народ

demurely titled

The preceding Friday, the Washington Post had published an article demurely titled “Trump Recorded Having Extremely Lewd Conversation About Women in 2005."

Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow

...the silence would yawn between us as highway guardrails flashed by, or I'd fill it with too much talk about myself, eliciting the occasional grunt.
похоже, там все подряд надо цитировать. тут выложен полный текст

Wallace was in his late forties, and wore narrow, professorial glasses. - это signature New Yorker™

Noah Oppenheim says Ronan Farrow has ‘axe to grind’ in staff memo

the whole page with the text Dark Side of Hollywood is very enlightening. also at the end of this chapter Oppenheim shrugged hopefully

She made it plain that she was tiring of the business and its oppressively narrow view of women. - это Rose McGowan, no shit

I looked up from the agreement, and the reporter's notebook in which I'd been transcribing notes as quickly as I could. "Ambra. Are all the copies of the tape destroyed?"

        Gutierrez folded her hands in her lap and looked at them.
I had tried Jonathan a few times over the course of the afternoon but only got through as I ducked out of Rockefeller Plaza at sunset. "Six calls!" he said. "I thought it was an emergency!" He was stepping out of a meeting. "Five!" I countered.
мое резюме: Ronan Farrow - маленький засранец.

Shit, I thought. Is anyone not friends with this guy?

два злодея: Ostrovsky & Khaykin нет ли тут антисемитизма
Another time, Weinstein left a jacket behind at one of their meetings and asked her to hold onto it. In its pockets, she found a pack of syringes that googling revealed were a treatment for erectile dysfunction. She reeled at the implications of him arming himself for sex ahead of their meetings. - а зачем она полезла к нему в карман, стесняюсь спросить
Chapter 26 is rather revealing, especially the section about Gwen Stefani - revealing about Ronan and everybody at MSNBC, Phil Griffin et al.

ex libris

Monday, March 30, 2020

admirer of the Queen

I am a great friend and admirer of the Queen & the United Kingdom. It was reported that Harry and Meghan, who left the Kingdom, would reside permanently in Canada. Now they have left Canada for the U.S. however, the U.S. will not pay for their security protection. They must pay! @realDonaldTrump
It was reported that Harry would have to make a request to the State Department for US-funded protection, but the decision ultimately rested with Trump.
Trump’s refusal to pay for protection for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex comes just weeks after Harry — who is close to former President Barack Obama — was apparently caught on tape accusing Trump of having “blood on his hands.”
- pagesix.com

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry said they never had plans to ask the United States government to pay for their personal security amid their reported move to Los Angeles. - fox

“The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have no plans to ask the U.S. government for security resources,” a spokesperson for Meghan and Harry told Fox News. “Privately funded security arrangements have been made.”

ну-ну... посмотрим.

dangerous no-fap Alt-Righters


комментарии там забавные, один SOL80001 пишет: Brought to you by Porn*Hub.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Cuomo expressed concern

Trump suggested on Sunday that hospitals have been hoarding ventilators and that something more nefarious may be afoot when it comes to their mask supplies. - это NY Mag буквально час назад, и WaPo еще раньше отметились.

однако даже msn.com, которых невозможно заподозрить в симпатиях к Трампу, в статье на ту же тему пишет: Earlier this month, Cuomo expressed concern that face masks and other medical equipment were being stolen from hospitals in the state.

nobody noticed Cuomo remarks earlier this month though...


see also Mount Sinai hospital leaders holed up in Florida vacation homes during coronavirus crisis

туалетная бумага

Раскрыт секрет ажиотажа с туалетной бумагой. Раньше все эти люди ходили срать на работу. - народ

Saturday, March 28, 2020

статистика и эпистемология

настоящие мужчины

— Дорогой, за всю мою жизнь у меня было только два настоящих мужчины.
— А кто второй?
— Да ты, собственно, и первого не знаешь.  

© народ

Order out of Chaos

"...once the conditions for self-organisations are satisfied, life becomes as predictable, as ... falling stone". - Order out of Chaos

тут уместно вспомнить то, что говорил Спиноза о свободе воли:
“Further conceive, I beg, that a stone, while continuing in motion, should be capable of thinking and knowing, that it is endeavoring, as far as it can, to continue to move. Such a stone, being conscious merely of its own endeavor and not at all indifferent, would believe itself to be completely free, and would think that it continued in motion solely because of its own wish. This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined.

Cold Warriors

The Geneva Accords divided Vietnam in two along the Seventeenth Parallel, with the promise of elections that would unify the country in 1956. The hard-liners in the Viet Minh wanted greater concessions, but China warned their allies of the possibility of American intervention if they pushed harder. Ho Chi Minh was persuaded to play the long game; he would doubtless win any nationwide election if it were held. Realizing this, the Americans refused to sign the agreement, fearing that it simply delayed the fall of the country to Communism.

- Duncan White, 2019, Cold Warriors: Writers Who Waged the Literary Cold War / amazon
see also Ed Lansdale’s Black Warfare in 1950s Vietnam

Sinyavsky was insistent both during and after the trial that he had told Peltier to find him a publisher that was not "anti-Soviet. Yet if his goal had been to keep his books out of the literal Cold War, he categorically failed — almost every word he smuggled abroad had appeared in journals funded by the Congress for Cultural Freedom. There is no reason to doubt Sinyavsky's good faith, but he was naive to believe he could send his work out into the West and avoid it being exploited War propaganda. What many better-informed writers in the West did not realize was just quite how deeply the CIA had infiltrated the cultural field with their front organizations, secret funding operations, and covert agents. The prosecution got a lot wrong, but there was no question that Sinyavsky's and. Daniels work had been exploited by the propaganda fronts established by American intelligence. The "propaganda machine of international reaction" might not have had tentacles, but it certainly existed. And amid the fallout from Sinyavsky-Daniel trial, the rest of the world was about to find out. - pg 523-524
no reason to doubt, really?

еще познавательная глава Spender, pg 425. про Stephen Spender. в Wiki упоминается Encounter и Congress for Cultural Freedom, но мельком. в книге все гораздо подробнее и интереснее, в частности - про Melvin J. Lasky очень даже познавательно.

В главе Havel, pg 632: To preserve the family idyll, the families retreated to a country house during the Nazi occupation... как мило.

Omaha the Cat Dancer

Omaha the Cat Dancer #1 by one Kate Worley

Overlooked No More: Kate Worley, a Pioneer Writer of Erotic Comics - nyt obituary: In the comic book series Omaha the Cat Dancer, Susie Jensen is a tall, curvy anthropomorphic feline stripper with a large bosom and the stage name “Omaha.”

She has an on-again, off-again relationship with the equally feline Chuck, a freelance commercial artist whose father is opening an underground strip club. There’s sex, there’s nudity and there’s fur — lots of it.

интересно, что на amazon эту картинку с обложки стыдливо спрятали под Look Inside. там можно всю книжку посмотреть. познавательно и убедительно. комментарии на amazon тоже полезно почитать.

еще из obituary:
Omaha was unusual for an erotic comic book in the 1980s. Most “adult comics,” as they were called, were exploitative and emphasized violence, sex or a combination of the two. Omaha was more of a soap opera that included sex.

see also Binky Brown

Friday, March 27, 2020

берегите себя

Those who drank whiskey escaped the flu,” Dad recalls his mother Mamie suggesting, “those who did not, succumbed.” - How my dad, 106, survived the 'other' pandemic - the Spanish flu


На десятый день карантина моя собака сказала мне, что никогда не считала Ницше серьёзным философом. - народ

Чем сильнее человек советует книгу, тем больше вероятность, что он читал только ее. - народ

вам шах и мат, Tara Reade!

Joe Biden Faces Sexual Assault Allegations From A Former Staffer - это yahoo.com

но heavy.com уже ее разоблачил, вам шах и мат, Tara Reade!
Tara Reade: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know: 3. Reade Was Criticized for Comments She Made About Vladimir Putin & Has Urged People to Vote for Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden Said He Believes All Women. Does He Believe Tara Reade? - это reason.com
Tara Reade discusses Biden allegation with Hill.TV's 'Rising' - это thehill.com

watch Tara Reade

maybe they mean all women who like Putin are a fair game? © yhs @HJ4Indie

вот и Vox подогнал матерьяльчик: A sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden has ignited a firestorm of controversy

also Rose McGowan calls Alyssa Milano a ‘fraud’ over Joe Biden endorsement

жж / журнальная жизнь

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Вирус и принц

Вирус и принц - очень смешно. цитировать смысла нет, надо читать целиком.

shithole country

Who's the shithole country now? @juliaioffe

судя по комментариям, мадам Иоффе немного переборщила

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Уроки моей бабушки

Однажды мой отец спросил свою мать, художницу Анетту Нанкэрроу, что она думает о Леоне Троцком. Вопрос был не о политике. Он просто хотел узнать, какое впечатление на нее произвел большевик-изгнанник, с которым она познакомилась в Мехико-Сити в конце 30-х годов, в студии ее близкого друга (и, как подозревал мой отец, будущего любовника) Диего Риверы.

“Меня удивило, что лидер пролетариата так элегантно одет,” - припомнила она, спустя много десятилетий после того, как Троцкого убил советский агент в 1940-м. “Его костюм был безупречен, и особенно меня поразили перчатки из телячьей кожи, которые он снял с замечательно ухоженных рук.”

Ответ был фирменным ответом Анетты. Будучи художником, она видела во внешности то, что показывало человека изнутри — в данном случае щеголя-буржуа внутри революционера. Оценивая его личность, она почувствовала, почему он проиграл в борьбе за власть в Советском Союзе Иосифу Сталину — люди, заботящиеся о своих ногтях, обычно не получают удовольствия, если они покрыты кровью. И, как знаток стиля, она ценила хорошую кожу.

- Уроки моей бабушки

Быть можно дельным человеком
и думать о красе ногтей.

из комментариев в nyt: It’s worth remembering that the line “This above all, to thine own self be true” originated with Polonious and is the mantra of every self-absorbed narcissist God ever made, including the orange-haired philanderer in the White House.

see also bedbugs &c

А снег повалится, повалится

А снег повалится, повалится,
и я прочту в его канве,
что моя молодость повадится
опять заглядывать ко мне.

И поведёт куда-то за руку
на чьи-то тени и шаги,
и вовлечет в старинный заговор
огней, деревьев и пурги.

И мне покажется, покажется
по Сретенкам и Моховым,
что молод не был я пока ещё,
а только буду молодым.

И ночь завертится, завертится
и, как в воронку, втянет в грех,
и моя молодость завесится
со мною снегом ото всех.

Но, сразу ставшая накрашенной
при беспристрастном свете дня,
цыганкой, мною наигравшейся,
оставит молодость меня.

Начну я жизнь переиначивать,
свою наивность застыжу
и сам себя, как пса бродячего,
на цепь угрюмо засажу.

Но снег повалится, повалится,
закружит все веретеном,
и моя молодость появится
опять цыганкой под окном.

А снег повалится, повалится,
и цепи я перегрызу,
и жизнь, как снежный ком, покатится
к сапожкам чьим-то там, внизу...

- Евгений Евтушенко, 1966

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


А за отрицание коронавируса сколько лет тюрьмы дают в ваших странах? - народ

flesh is weak

Flesh is Weak, Florence Stonebraker, 1951

...she had often wondered why so many flesh peddlers had the names of flowers or jewels.

...twisting the kiss on her mouth as if he were twisting a cork into a bottle.

It is very chastening to the spirit, young man, to be married to a woman, who holds the purse strings.

...he could feel her tremble under his touch in her sick need to be taken.

Sue giggled ... it had never occurred to her that tarts had grandmothers.

She had read in a magazine ad that the well-groomed man preferred nylon in his shirts because its elegant feel against his skin heightened his self-confidence, brought the happy gratified glow of pride in himself to his eyes.

After a minute she found herself shivering. The heat had been turned off, which meant it was eleven o'clock.

But being kind and considerate had little to do with whether a girl enjoyed a man for a lover. She either wanted him that way. Or she didn't.

интеерсно, что Сержант милиции был написан в 1958-м


@reoharrison / #malthus

also news from Brazil:
Gangs in the Rio de Janeiro favelas have enforced a lockdown from 8pm tonight. The statement reads: "If the government won't do the right thing, organised crime will" @AndrewCesare

Malthus drew two main conclusions. The first conclusion was that population was kept in check by certain positive checks; namely famine, disease ('pestilence') and war. The second was that, whenever these checks were not in operation, population growth would ensure that a growing supply of labour would keep wages at absolute subsistence levels. Indeed, anything that raised the living standards of the poor would be eroded by population growth. For Malthus in 1798, life for the masses was a somewhat futile competitive struggle. Malthus' essay was the principal inspiration for Charles Darwin's theory of competitive selection. - Coronavirus – A Malthusian Event?

Monday, March 23, 2020

toxic pariah

Apropos of Nothing followup:
Woody Allen memoir published in US after protest stops first attempt

In a postscript to the Arcade edition, Allen alleges that Hachette had vowed to publish Apropos of Nothing despite his “being a toxic pariah and menace to society”. But, he writes, “When actual flak did arrive they thoughtfully reassessed their position” and “dumped the book like it was a hunk of Xenon 135.” The Guardian has contacted Hachette for a response.

Arcade editor Jeannette Seaver said in a statement: “In this strange time, when truth is too often dismissed as ‘fake news,’ we as publishers prefer to give voice to a respected artist, rather than bow to those determined to silence him.”
see also Vox & nypost.com

Temporarily out of stock, сказано на amazon, тираж - 75К. посмотрим, что будет завтра. думаю, скандал @Hachette послужил этой книге хорошей рекламой. интересно, не попытается ли Ronan Farrow и его компания #metoo пиздюшек устроить бойкот amazon. от души желаю им успеха, у меня еще до хера попкорна. хотя до самого Вуди мне дела нет.

upd 3/24 15:00 - все еще Temporarily out of stock
upd 3/25 23:00 - Currently unavailable. We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock.

172.5K Likes and counting


meanwhile Alex Salmond cleared of all sexual assault charges
Alex Salmond acquitted of all charges, as any kind of sensible appraisal of the evidence would dictate. Should never have been brought. For all those involved in the conspiracy to fit him up, you are not going to get away with it. @CraigMurrayOrg

Sunday, March 22, 2020

не хочу хвастаться


Существуют два типа людей: экстраверты и интроверты. По возможности избегайте обоих.

risky research

Engineered bat virus stirs debate over risky research - nature.com, 12 November 2015 / local copy
Editors’ note, March 2020: We are aware that this story is being used as the basis for unverified theories that the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19 was engineered. There is no evidence that this is true; scientists believe that an animal is the most likely source of the coronavirus.
how very interesting


поиски в google приводят на какие-то левые ресурсы:

. Is COVID-19 an American bioweapon?
. Coronavirus was developed in a Wuhan lab
. Ученые нашли новый смертельный вирус гриппа, 14.11.2015
. Эпидемия COVID-19 могла начаться с инцидента в военной биолаборатории США

см. также Конспировирусология
also 1978 smallpox outbreak in the United Kingdom

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Quarantine and chill

Quarantine and chill: How New Yorkers are mating and dating during coronavirus - это New York Post
“You are your safest sex partner,” the document reads. “Masturbation will not spread COVID-19, especially if you wash your hands (and any sex toys) with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after.”

- NYC Health Department gets graphic in coronavirus sex memo

Ich ruf zu dir Herr Jesu Christ

Johann Sebastian Bach
Ich ruf zu dir Herr Jesu Christ

Vikingur Olafsson, piano

по wrti, сто лет не передавали. ну почти. исполнение не очень. и вообще орган лучше.

и сразу следом String Quartet in D minor Op 76, Franz Joseph Haydn, Danish String Quartet

Большое космическое путешествие

Большое космическое путешествие - детский фильм 1974 года, не самый скверный из ему подобных. главное его достоинство - он ни на что не претендует.

два мальчика и девочка несколько дней проводят на космическом корабле. потом выясняется, что это была имитация полета, но это становится известно в самом конце, и на сюжет не влияет. по ходу дела дети встречаются с разными препятствиями и трудностями, занимаются навигацией, починкой корабельной вычислительной техники (с помощью паяльника), разговорами с роботом (HAL 9000 появился в 1969-м) и прочая.

тут подробнее. героям фильма примерно 12-13 лет. на протяжении всей картины они одеты в полностью закрытые костюмы.

в одном из эпизодов из-за неполадок с техникой на корабле становится жарко, эпизод продолжается несколько минут, и мальчики снимают рубашки, и остаются голыми по пояс. девочка остается одетой, только расстегивает молнию рубашки.

эпизод с повышением температуры на корабле не несет никакой сюжетной нагрузки. интересно знать, зачем режиссер и сценарист его вставили. и что думали дети в 1974-м на это глядя. девочку играет Мила Берлинская.

Friday, March 20, 2020


ну или индейка


civetta italiana

Пятничный уюй системы civetta italiana напоминает всем, что лучше сидеть дома. То есть, брать пример с него, итальянского сыча. - Yuri Vasiliev

Thursday, March 19, 2020

вещего гласа сильней

Трижды вещего гласа сильней,
Было слышно у края обрыва,
Как безумно молчал соловей,
Но бездумно горланила рыба.

Все, молчать от рожденья кому
И кому распевать от рожденья,
Преподав непостижность уму,
Поменяли свои назначенья.

Солнце черным пошло в три каймы,
Гул пошел, как потом отмечали.
Но сомкнутые губы мои
Предпочли, сберегли, умолчали.

И последнее слово за мной
Оставалось. И ныне томится...
Празднословие рыбы немой.
Немота очарованной птицы.

- Рабинович Вадим
по-моему он больше ничего интересного не написал

complicit in injustice

The Renaissance in Italy was an era of terror and oppression more than beauty – but is its great art complicit in injustice? Should we rethink the Mona Lisa’s smile?

- the dark side of the Italian Renaissance

In a similar vein she discusses the possibility that the Venetian courtesan Angela del Moro, AKA “La Zaffetta”, was the model for the languidly reclining nude in Titian’s Venus of Urbino of c1534. She had earlier been the victim of a gang-rape, an episode lubriciously described in a poem by Lorenzo Venier, “Il Trentuno della Zaffetta” (1531).

Thus, the argument might run: Titian’s Venus is implicated in the endemic sexual violence of the era, though as the identification of La Zaffetta as the model is highly speculative, this is once again a kind of special pleading. These notes of 21st-century disapproval – however justified – run counter to the clarity of historical vision that is otherwise a feature of this fine book.
The Crucible of Europe: Italy and the Rise of the West

see also Sex Acts in Early Modern Italy: Practice, Performance, Perversion, Punishment, $57.00 paperback, hmm

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Phone Zombies

Roomful of Blues - Phone Zombies / local

also one bourbon, one scotch, one beer - длинно, но совсем не скучно

интересно, что стихи Phone Zombies не найти, как и Reckless Heart

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

in light of recent events

"Upon careful consideration of all of the circumstances, and particularly in light of recent events . . . the government has concluded that further proceedings as to Concord . . . promotes neither the interests of justice nor the nation's security," prosecutors Heather Alpino, Luke Jones, Peter Lallas and Adam Jed wrote.

- Justice Department abandons prosecution of Russian firm
А как вызвали меня, я свял от робости,
А из зала мне кричат: "Давай подробности!"

Russian Firm Says It Will Sue U.S for $50 Billion After Meddling Case Dropped

это какой-то позор

— Айсберги! — говорил Митрич насмешливо. — Это мы понять можем. Десять лет как жизни нет. Все Айсберги, Вайсберги, Айзенберги, всякие там Рабиновичи.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Грета, детка, ты довольна?

Самолеты не летают. Заводы не работают. Грета, детка, ты довольна? - народ


I’m not suicidal. I just wish I had never been born. There’s a difference.

Владимир Гвоздев

Гвоздарики / gvozdariki.ru

Sweet Defiance

Megan Thee Stallion’s Sweet Defiance - это в Atlantic, статья про пиздюшку блядищу по имени Megan Thee Stallion [ну правильно, Меган-Жеребица], a 25-year-old rapper they call her. ссылка на ее youtube видео

там есть текст, вот отрывок
My n*gga fine, I wanna f*ck
Ice in his mouth, eat me up


Sunday, March 15, 2020

blew the whistle

. Philip Haney Dead: ‘See Something Say Nothing’ Author Dies by Suicide at 66
. Philip Haney: FBI to investigate death of DHS whistleblower, initially thought to be suicide
. Death Of DHS Whistleblower Philip Haney Not A Suicide, Say House Republicans
Since former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) staffer Philip Haney, who blew the whistle on the Obama administration allegedly scrubbing the intelligence on radical Islamists in the United States, was found dead from a shotgun wound to the chest, those who knew him are convinced he was murdered.

- breitbart.com
also See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government's Submission to Jihad

exclusively for the US

Germany and US wrestle over coronavirus vaccine: report
US President Donald Trump is attempting to entice a German lab to develop a vaccine exclusively for the US, a German newspaper reported. Berlin health authorities are in intensive talks with the company.

The governments of Germany and the United States are wrestling over the German-based company CureVac which is working on a vaccine for the novel coronavirus, reported German newspaper Welt am Sonntag.
. Germany's CureVac says low-dose coronavirus vaccine could allow for mass production
. Was it something he said? Biotech CEO who met Trump this month exits without a word
. Germany tries to stop US from luring away firm seeking coronavirus vaccine

Saturday, March 14, 2020

оптимальное использование ресурсов

Коронавирус: итальянские эксперты предложили позволить старикам умирать

учитывая то, что происходит в Италии, разумно поскорее заразиться, пока в больницах есть еще места и хватает персонала и оборудования

The Extraordinary Decisions Facing Italian Doctors
Two weeks ago, Italy had 322 confirmed cases of the coronavirus. At that point, doctors in the country’s hospitals could lavish significant attention on each stricken patient.

One week ago, Italy had 2,502 cases of the virus, which causes the disease known as COVID-19. At that point, doctors in the country’s hospitals could still perform the most lifesaving functions by artificially ventilating patients who experienced acute breathing difficulties.

Today, Italy has 10,149 cases of the coronavirus. There are now simply too many patients for each one of them to receive adequate care. Doctors and nurses are unable to tend to everybody. They lack machines to ventilate all those gasping for air.

life macabre

macabre theology: любовь к Богу и есть как раз тот самый Стокгольмский синдром. © впс

macabre psychology: Cognitive bias is the Nature's way to deal with the cognitive dissonance. © yhs

и просто жизнь: мужчины хотят женщин, женщины хотят детей, а дети хотят, чтобы им дали денег и оставили в покое © впс

There is no reciprocity; men love women, women love children, children love hamsters.

Dead Sea Scrolls

All 16 Dead Sea Scroll fragments in DC museum are clever fakes
There are still 100,000 verified, nearly 2,000-year-old Dead Sea Scroll fragments at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.
будем надеяться, и эти со временем разоблачат


Friday, March 13, 2020

forced himself on me orally

“I couldn’t even get away from him at all — let alone out of the apartment. Ultimately, after a while I just checked out,” she said. “He held me down on the bed and he forced himself on me orally. I was on my period. I had a tampon in there. I was mortified … He forced himself on me orally, he put his mouth on my vagina.”

- pagesix.com
see also The Specific Horror of Unwanted Oral Sex

жж / fb

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Grooming gangs review

The government’s refusal to publish its research into the “characteristics” of grooming gangs could be debated by MPs.

More than 100,000 people have signed an official petition demanding the report is published, meaning it must be considered for debate in parliament.

The petition was sparked by an Independent article revealing that the Home Office refused to publish the document, claiming the move would not be in the “public interest”.

- Grooming gangs review: Government refusal to publish ‘characteristics’ research could be debated by MPs after 100,000 sign petition


. Coronavirus: Arthritis drug seems to work
. New Coronavirus treatment success in Italy is encouraging [Tocilizumab]


Frantisek Tuma

Sonata a 4 in A minor

COMPOSER: Frantisek Tuma
ARTIST: Concerto Italiano
ALBUM: Sonata a 4


Wednesday, March 11, 2020


— Однако ж я очень радуюсь, видя вас совершенно сохранившим всю независимость вашего духа и даже веселость, — произнес он с довольно неприятным видом.

- Ф.М. Достоевский, Игрок

с этого места до последней точки


Кстати, я "Санта -Барбару" не смотрела. И "Бригаду" не смотрела. И "Бандитский Петербург" не смотрела. И даже "Рабыню Изауру" не смотрела. Зачем я жила, вообще? - mysea

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Доллар по семьдесят два рубля
Ликуют эксперты в телеке
Как мы ловко угробили, бля
Сланцевую индустрию в Америке.

- Всеволод Емелин

Начальства рейтинг очень сильно вырос,
А зло горит и плавится в огне.
Царь-колокол, царь-пушка и царь-вирус.
И голый Достоевский на коне.

- Евгений Лесин
— Что происходит на свете? — А просто чума.
— Просто чума, полагаете? — Нет, не простая,
Жуткими фактами ныне я располагаю...
В общем, над миром тихонько сгущается тьма.

- marat-ahtjamov

Monday, March 9, 2020

life is vapid

Every word, every thought, and every emotion come back to one core problem: life is meaningless,’’ he wrote. “The experiment in nihilism is to seek out and expose every illusion and every myth, wherever it may lead, no matter what, even if it kills us.’’

Over the years, as he became more immersed in his work, often laboring over it 12 hours a day, Heisman shared bits with friends and family but never elaborated on the extent of his nihilism — his hardened view that life is vapid and nonsensical, that values are pretense, that the “unreasoned conviction in the rightness of life over death is like a god or a mass delusion.’

What he left behind: A 1,905-page suicide note

Suicide Note

еще снег от ameli-sa

еще @ ameli-sa

prison infirmary / trailer trash

. Italy: 6 inmates protesting virus restrictions die after breaking into prison infirmary, overdosing on methadone. - abcnews.go.com

. MSNBC Guest Sparks Outrage After Calling Meghan Markle ‘Five Clicks Up From Trailer Trash’ - mediaite.com

. Rumors spread on social media that snorting cocaine and drinking bleach can cure coronavirus – they can't - @CBSNews

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Pauca sed matura

Gauss came from extremely humble origins. His grandfather was a landless peasant; his father was a jobbing gardener and bricklayer. Gauss attended the poorest kind of local school.

His personal seal showed a tree with only one sparse fruit, and the motto, Pauca sed matura - "Few, but ripe."

- Prime Obsession, John Derbyshire
Noether taught at Erlangen for the next seven years with no salary, sometimes substituting for her father. David Hilbert sought to bring her into the mathematics department at the University of Göttingen in 1915, but other faculty objected. “What will our soldiers think when they return to the university and find that they are required to learn at the feet of a woman?” one professor complained. Hilbert was indignant. “I do not see that the sex of the candidate is an argument against her admission,” he retorted. “We are a university, not a bath house.” - March 23, 1882: Birth of Emmy Noether

SS в кино

слева - Devid Striesow as Sturmbannführer Herzog в фильме The Counterfeiters (2007)

справа - Альгимантас Масюлис — штандартенфюрер, позже оберфюрер СС в фильме Щит и меч (1968)

см. далее по тегу ломброзо


on the other hand @Scientific_Bird says: This reminded me of Nancy Segal's studies of unrelated look-alikes. She found that look-alikes are *not* similar in personality.

луна захолустья

Так, видимо, и думал Акимото-но-тюнагон, когда сказал: «Захолустья луну без вины я увижу»


Friday, March 6, 2020

Apropos of Nothing

Hachette Book Group on Friday dropped its plans to publish Woody Allen’s autobiography and said it would return all rights to the author, a day after its employees protested its deal with the filmmaker. - Hachette Says It Won’t Publish Woody Allen’s Book
...Hachette executives had discussed the matter with its staff and, “After listening, we came to the conclusion that moving forward with publication would not be feasible for HBG.”
Hachette announced the book deal on Monday, saying its Grand Central Publishing imprint would release Mr. Allen’s autobiography, “Apropos of Nothing,” on April 7. Ronan Farrow, Mr. Allen’s son, whose book “Catch and Kill” was published by another Hachette imprint, criticized Hachette, calling its decision to publish Mr. Allen’s book a betrayal.

Staff walk out of Little, Brown in support of Ronan Farrow and his sister Dylan.

see also Woody Allen’s publisher canceled his memoir after staff walked out

Stephen King Jumps Into the Woody Allen/Hachette Dispute for No Good Reason: Not everyone is entitled to a book deal, Steve. - writes one Chelsea Steiner, replying to Stephen King, who said
The Hachette decision to drop the Woody Allen book makes me very uneasy. It's not him; I don't give a damn about Mr. Allen. It's who gets muzzled next that worries me.

- @StephenKing
and Bill Maher Defends Chris Matthews Because Old White Misogynists Have to Stick Together by same Chelsea Steiner

Cancel Culture Comes for Woody Allen (Again) @ quillette.com

в цветочек

via Очень похоже на мою жизнь: в целом - жопа, но зато в цветочек.

Spera si mio cara bene

Spera si mio cara bene - aria from Admeto, Handel

on wrti at 7:06 am

вот тут можно послушать

Thursday, March 5, 2020

wring his bosom

When lovely woman stoops to folly,
And finds too late that men betray,
What charm can sooth her melancholy,
What art can wash her guilt away?

The only art her guilt to cover,
To hide her shame from every eye,
To give repentance to her lover,
And wring his bosom — is to die.

- Oliver Goldsmith


еще Mitchell Heisman

White blood cells within an organism are the equivalent of bigoted, intolerant, fascistic soldiers who not only hate foreigners, but also kill foreigners. The foreigners are what humans commonly call “disease”, i.e. viruses. The “evil” of cancer, for example, is the “evil” of individual cellular freedom to reproduce, unsubordinated to the good of “Big Brother”. Perhaps the real disease is not the flu, the cold, or cancer, but rather, intolerance of individual cellular freedom.

Cells were born free, but everywhere they are in chains!

- Mitchell Heisman, Suicide Note

все больше похоже на пародию

см. начало

Whereas the Nazis revived the hive model of human relations on its original, sociobiological, kin selective basis, the liberal democratic Anglo-Saxon state leads to a trajectory of equal individualism that is, very clearly, the utter and total negation of kin selection. Modern political reductionism is not equal to the hive model revived by the Nazis, and history clarifies why. The Anglo-Saxon state led to an egalitarian trajectory completely opposite of the Nazis because it was founded upon the death of an Anglo-Saxon Überorganism.
“Progress” means exploding the boundaries within which kinship can meaningfully cohere, and there is no reason to think that there is a viable end to this pattern. A movement that attempted to free the spleens, or egalitarianize the decision making influence of the brain and the liver, would result in death. Egalitarian progress is a death process that marks out this death trajectory on levels of increasing depth: individual humans can be liberated only at the expense of the Überorganism; individual cells can be liberated only at the expense of the death of an individual organism; individual organelles such as mitochondria can liberated only at the expense of the death of the cell.
в общем пародия тут вполне уместна. в конечном счете он вполне серьезен:
There is a reason why the problem of equal justice appears to be insolvable: Life is exploitation. In order to end exploitation, we must end life. In order to end exploitation, we must will death.
see the chapter The Elimination of Selection and more in ex libris

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Stock surge ... for Biden

Wall Street, Encouraged by Biden’s Wins, Breaks Out Its Checkbooks

see i told ya

singer / songwriter my ass

от выражения singer/songwriter корежит не меньше, чем от слова бард

см. также community organizer

spoiler she is

Wow! If Elizabeth Warren wasn’t in the race, Bernie Sanders would have EASILY won Massachusetts, Minnesota and Texas, not to mention various other states. Our modern day Pocahontas won’t go down in history as a winner, but she may very well go down as the all time great SPOILER! - @realDonaldTrump

nature first

What percentage of the distinctive human capacity for learning is genetic? If there is a 1-2% genetic difference between humans and chimpanzees, this means that, somewhere in that small percentage, lay genes for the distinctively human capacities for learning. Before culture can be conceived as the breaker of biology’s leash, biology must make human culture possible in the first place.

The nature to nurture is what is most distinctly human. The unique dynamics of human culture and civilization are made possible by evolved biological differences between human animals and nonhuman animals. Is the analogous paradox of Jewish-universalism traceable to an inordinate biological capacity for learning?

- Mitchell Heisman, Suicide Note

Just as some whites once considered blacks so racially distinct that sexual intercourse was considered bestiality, progress would now demand that this stigmatization of bestiality be deemed uncivilized altogether. Bestiality emerges as the cutting edge of civilization. Discrimination against bestiality is thus barbarism. Marriage between human animals and nonhuman animals should be legalized and normalized. Despised animals of all species should emerge from their hiding corners. Ugly creatures of all species unite!

прямо Коммунистический Манифест написал Mitchell Heisman

Just as the breadth of the rights of individual organisms expands the kinship circle past speciesism so that nonhuman animals are included, the depth of rights expands the individual circle past only multicellular individualism so that the rights of single cell individuals are included.


Tuesday, March 3, 2020

attribution error

The general human tendency to ignore the effects of situations and to attribute problems to characteristics of individuals is so pervasive that social psychologists have a name for it: “The fundamental attribution error.”! It is exemplified by the DSM, in which symptoms of anxiety or depression that are intense enough for long enough are sufficient to diagnose an emotional disorder, no matter what life situation a person is in.

Social scientists Allan Horwitz and Jerome Wakefield suggested a way to reduce this error. They pointed out that the DSM-IV excluded the diagnosis of depression after the recent loss of a loved one, so they suggested including similar exclusions tor other severe life events. The DSM-5 authors acknowledged the inconsistency, but their solution was to eliminate all exclusions, even the one for recent loss of a loved one. They said this was necessary for consistency and because intense bereavement symptoms sometimes indicate depression that needs treatment. They also wanted to avoid the unreliability that would result if diagnosis required judging the severity of life events.

- Good Reasons for Bad Feelings by Randolph M. Nesse
ну вот приехали. я об этом говорил лет 40 назад. по-моему тупому должно быть ясно.

дальше можно не читать

см. также фальшивомонетчики

Monday, March 2, 2020

easy to pronounce

American democracy is rigged in favour of people with names which are easy to pronounce. - @yuanyi_z

on the news that Klobuchar and Buttigieg are dropping out of the race

Sunday, March 1, 2020

show him the doorsey

Republican mega-donor buys stake in Twitter and seeks to oust Jack Dorsey – report

upd 3/10: Twitter Reaches Deal With Activist Fund That Wanted Jack Dorsey Out
But the settlement also lays the groundwork for eventually replacing Mr. Dorsey. Twitter agreed to create a new committee of five directors, including Mr. Durban and Mr. Cohn, that would study the company’s succession planning and leadership structure and recommend any changes by the end of the year.

аванс за третью

Польские власти намерены добиться репараций за Вторую мировую войну и хотя бы 50% аванса за третью. - народ

Boris молодец!

The Hot Spot

The Hot Spot is a 1990 American neo-noir film directed by Dennis Hopper and based on the 1952 book Hell Hath No Fury by Charles Williams, who also co-wrote the screenplay.

сюжет запутанный и неубедительный, растянут на два с лишним часа, но скучно не было, потому что Dennis Hopper с удовольствием снимает двух замечательно красивых женщин, когда одетых, а когда и голышом. играют неплохо все, и хрен с ним сюжетом.

Virginia Madsen хороша, ну а уж Jennifer Connelly - вообще просто красавица