Wednesday, March 4, 2020

nature first

What percentage of the distinctive human capacity for learning is genetic? If there is a 1-2% genetic difference between humans and chimpanzees, this means that, somewhere in that small percentage, lay genes for the distinctively human capacities for learning. Before culture can be conceived as the breaker of biology’s leash, biology must make human culture possible in the first place.

The nature to nurture is what is most distinctly human. The unique dynamics of human culture and civilization are made possible by evolved biological differences between human animals and nonhuman animals. Is the analogous paradox of Jewish-universalism traceable to an inordinate biological capacity for learning?

- Mitchell Heisman, Suicide Note

Just as some whites once considered blacks so racially distinct that sexual intercourse was considered bestiality, progress would now demand that this stigmatization of bestiality be deemed uncivilized altogether. Bestiality emerges as the cutting edge of civilization. Discrimination against bestiality is thus barbarism. Marriage between human animals and nonhuman animals should be legalized and normalized. Despised animals of all species should emerge from their hiding corners. Ugly creatures of all species unite!

прямо Коммунистический Манифест написал Mitchell Heisman

Just as the breadth of the rights of individual organisms expands the kinship circle past speciesism so that nonhuman animals are included, the depth of rights expands the individual circle past only multicellular individualism so that the rights of single cell individuals are included.


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