Binky Brown Meets the Holy Virgin Mary - так вот живешь тут живешь и не знаешь собственно ни хера. [Green had read Philip Roth (pictured) and other writers who bared their personal lives in their work.]
Binky Brown (excellent)
Dirty Laundry (excellent)
Arcade (very good)
Big Ass (very good)
CornFed (very good)
The Diary of a Teenage Girl, pg. 86
расцвет всего этого приходится на начало 70-х. ну и еще из Wiki:
Justin Green (b. 1945) was born to a Jewish father and Catholic mother and raised Catholic. As a child he at first attended a Catholic parochial school, and later transferred to a school where most students were Jews.[2] He rejected the Catholic faith in 1958 as he believed it caused him "compulsive neurosis" that decades later was diagnosed as obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD).see also The Great Comic-Book Scare (read the first comment too)
“Those in the know realize that Jews almost single-handedly built the comic-book industry from the ground up” – Arie Kaplan in From Krakow to Krypton: Jews and Comic Books
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