Thursday, March 5, 2020

еще Mitchell Heisman

White blood cells within an organism are the equivalent of bigoted, intolerant, fascistic soldiers who not only hate foreigners, but also kill foreigners. The foreigners are what humans commonly call “disease”, i.e. viruses. The “evil” of cancer, for example, is the “evil” of individual cellular freedom to reproduce, unsubordinated to the good of “Big Brother”. Perhaps the real disease is not the flu, the cold, or cancer, but rather, intolerance of individual cellular freedom.

Cells were born free, but everywhere they are in chains!

- Mitchell Heisman, Suicide Note

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Whereas the Nazis revived the hive model of human relations on its original, sociobiological, kin selective basis, the liberal democratic Anglo-Saxon state leads to a trajectory of equal individualism that is, very clearly, the utter and total negation of kin selection. Modern political reductionism is not equal to the hive model revived by the Nazis, and history clarifies why. The Anglo-Saxon state led to an egalitarian trajectory completely opposite of the Nazis because it was founded upon the death of an Anglo-Saxon Überorganism.
“Progress” means exploding the boundaries within which kinship can meaningfully cohere, and there is no reason to think that there is a viable end to this pattern. A movement that attempted to free the spleens, or egalitarianize the decision making influence of the brain and the liver, would result in death. Egalitarian progress is a death process that marks out this death trajectory on levels of increasing depth: individual humans can be liberated only at the expense of the Überorganism; individual cells can be liberated only at the expense of the death of an individual organism; individual organelles such as mitochondria can liberated only at the expense of the death of the cell.
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There is a reason why the problem of equal justice appears to be insolvable: Life is exploitation. In order to end exploitation, we must end life. In order to end exploitation, we must will death.
see the chapter The Elimination of Selection and more in ex libris

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