Monday, December 24, 2018

новостей digest

. Women’s March Roiled by Accusations of Anti-Semitism, nyt:
The unity did not last long. Vanessa Wruble, a Brooklyn-based activist, said she told the group that her Jewish heritage inspired her to try to help repair the world. But she said the conversation took a turn when Tamika Mallory, a black gun control activist, and Carmen Perez, a Latina criminal justice reform activist, replied that Jews needed to confront their own role in racism.
. Your Vagina Is Terrific (and Everyone Else’s Opinions Still Are Not), nyt:
One year ago I wrote about my vagina and men’s opinions of it. Things have not improved. [see also my vagina is repulsive]
. U.S. ambassador accuses a leading German news magazine of anti-American bias,
“When we criticize the American president, this does not amount to anti-American bias — it is criticism of the policies of the man currently in office in the White House,” Kurbjuweit wrote. “Anti-Americanism is deeply alien to me and I am absolutely aware of what Germany has the U.S to thank for: a whole lot.”
. Премьер-министр Великобритании поблагодарила армию за «защиту наших вод и небес от российского вторжения»,
«Начиная с важнейшей роли в устранении последствий отвратительной атаки в Солсбери, защиты наших вод и небес от российского вторжения...

euronews разъясняет: 'Intrusion' or 'Invasion'? Russian politicians attack May over mis-translated speech. что ж, разница тонкая, они должны признать, вместо того, чтобы приводить дурацкие аргументы: UK authorities routinely intercept Russian military planes flying over the North Sea and approaching its airspace without talking to air control — eight times a year on average.
. Sack Roger Scruton over Soros comments, demand Labour MPs, The Guardian:
“Many of the Budapest intelligentsia are Jewish, and form part of the extensive networks around the Soros empire,” Scruton wrote in a lecture entitled The Need for Nations, which is reproduced in Hungarian and English on his website.

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