Tuesday, July 31, 2018

suicide contagion

How Should the Media Cover Suicides? A New Study Has Some Answers:
It’s no secret to mental health experts that exposure to suicide, either directly or through media and entertainment, may make people more likely to resort to suicidal behaviors themselves. The phenomenon even has a name: suicide contagion.

And a new paper, published Monday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, says some specific journalistic practices — such as including lots of details about a death by suicide, or glamorizing these incidents — may make suicide contagion worse.

от себя добавлю: Justices Reject Ban on Violent Video Games for Children, no contagion found here somehow. or maybe it's the game manufacturers lobby's lurking somewhere behind the scene?

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Friday, July 27, 2018

on Russia

Russia is never as strong, nor as weak as she appears to be. - attributed to Talleyrand / Metternich / Churchill.

alien civilisation is eating stars

Possible an alien civilisation is eating stars of a certain size...

> neither confirmed nor denied by researchers

neither confirmed nor denied by alien civilisation either © yhs



unrelated mirror - facebook video

Thursday, July 26, 2018

mothers want extraversion

“Mothers want extraversion over conscientiousness or intelligence for their children.” - Abstract @sciencedirect.com

via The Drive for Perfect Children Gets a Little Scary:
Upon reflection, maybe that isn’t so surprising, because parents presumably want children who are fun to spend time with.
It’s also not difficult to imagine parents wanting children who are relatively well-behaved. The same research paper found that mothers, after extroversion, preferred the trait of “agreeableness” in their children, again over both intelligence and conscientiousness.
also Eugenics and Equality Can't Mix: Aborting babies with detected disabilities is incompatible with equality.
When we do everything in our power to detect the existence of a baby with a special need with the sole purpose of terminating him or her, we create a discriminatory culture, where only perfect humans may apply for entrance. This is a powerful obstacle against equality and acceptance of the disabled, which a just society must set as its first goal.
вот такая логика

denying Holocaust is expensive

Zuck loses $16B in 5 minutes, key shareholder calls for his head as Facebook shares crater

denying Holocaust is expensive no doubts about that

see also when shit really hit the fan

sexual grooming gangs

Grooming: Sajid Javid orders officials to build profile of sex gangs - это The Guardian

Home Secretary orders investigation into ethnic origin of sexual grooming gangs - это Independent

интересно отметить, что слово ethnic в The Guardian отсутствует как в заголовке, так и в тексте статьи. видимо, считается непристойным. однако в статье говорится:
It emerged on Wednesday that she was given extra police security after getting death threats in response to comments she made about the British Pakistani men who groomed white girls for sexual abuse.

Champion wrote a column for the Sun last year in which she said: “Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls”. She later stressed she had not sought to attack the entire British Pakistani community.
между тем Sputnik International, орган пропаганды кровавого путенапишет:
The disproportionately high number of grooming gangs of Pakistani background in the UK has often been pointed out by activist Tommy Robinson, who has received death threats for his work on exposing the nature of child grooming in Britain.
интересно, что это их вдруг прорвало. Tommy Robinson? думаю, это типа "у нас открытое общество, вот и расследование начнем...", ну а там понемножку рассосется

Breitbart: UK Govt Finally Launches Ethnic Origins Study of Child Rape Gangs ... [тут ключевое слово - finally - вс]

javid grooming

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

все - фейк

Сергей Гандлевский

"Пидарасы", - сказал Хрущев.
Был я смолоду не готов
Осознать правоту Хрущева,
Но, дожив до своих годов,
Убедился, честное слово.

Суета сует и обман,
Словом, полный анжамбеман.
Сунь два пальца в рот, сочинитель,
Чтоб остались только азы:
Мойдодыр, жи-ши через и,
Потому что система - ниппель.

Впору взять и лечь в лазарет,
Где врачует речь логопед.
Вдруг она и срастется в гипсе
Прибаутки, мол, дул в дуду
Хабибулин в х/б б/у -
Всё б/у. Хрущев не ошибся.
Оксана оставила записку на английском, обращенную к парижской богеме, с которой она в последнее время плотно общалась: "Вы все - фейк", - говорится в сообщении. - В Париже покончила с собой основательница Femen Оксана Шачко

и еще кстати: СЛАТШЕЙМИНГ, КОРОЧЕ - словарь феминистических терминов

delivering consumers to advertisers

“The mainstream media is not in the business of delivering information to consumers. They are in the business of delivering consumers to advertisers.” - Stefan Molyneux
от себя добавлю - ну почему только to advertisers

это цитируется в Reflections on the London Conference on Intelligence. хорошо написано. enlightening.
“Substitute 'damn' every time you're inclined to write 'very,'” said Mark Twain. “Your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.”
не так уж unrelated как может показаться

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

modest and blurry

Dobzhansky didn't want to do away with the concept of races completely. He wanted people to see them for just how modest and blurry they really were. Dobzhansky defined races as nothing more than “populations which differ in the frequencies of some gene or genes." - pg 206, She Has Her Mother's Laugh by Carl Zimmer
этого отрывка вполне достаточно, чтобы понять, чем Carl Zimmer занимается на 672-х страницах

pp. 210-213 - so much muddle one doesn't need to know anything about genetics to understand it's all junk

see on breeds and races

и очень кстати BuzzFeed разъясняет Райху How Not To Talk About Race And Genetics: Reich frames his argument... This misrepresents... Reich critically misunderstands and misrepresents... в общем напоминает центральную Правду. [see @charlesmurray]
Guns and slavery grew even more intertwined in the Galton family fortune. By the 1750s, the Galtons were delivering more than twenty-five thousand guns a year to European traders, who sold the weapons to African states engaged in increasingly bloody battles. The warring states captured prisoners in the fights, and then sold them to European slave traders. Before long, they demanded to be paid for the slaves with more guns instead of gold. - pg 287

еще исключительно идиотская глава The Teachable Ape, на стр 448-450 про то, как европейцы пытались пересечь Австралию с юга на север и все погибли, потому что не могли найто воду и еду, а местное племя Yandruwandha все это находило с легкостью. это к тому, что европейцы тупы вместе с их хваленой культурой. как в том анекдоте: "Ну что, помог ему его английский?"

сбивается на развлекательный и псевдо-разговорный стиль:
Failure is common in science. - pg 552
"Yeah, do it" was the consensus, Bier recalled. "Be careful, but do it." pg 554

emptying the centre ground

This encouragement to both the left and the right to create alliances had the effect of emptying the centre ground. ... This liberal government found that it had no influence on its electoral allies, now set upon a revolutionary course, and could not persuade their followers to obey the law. - The Battle for Spain

это смутно мне напоминает... There Is a Revolution on the Left. Democrats Are Bracing.

Monday, July 23, 2018


Harajuku girl                                                   Ziggy Stardust

Saturday, July 21, 2018

secret history

это из nyt, статья скромно называется The Secret History of Leviticus, про то, что гомосексуализм в библии был запрещен, в книге Левит. ну то есть пока один Idan Dershowitz, который на самом деле - Dr. Dershowitz, a biblical scholar, не обнаружил, что на самом деле гомосексуализм в библии был разрешен. так что - можно продолжать, парни.

Churchill you didn't know

So far as Britain and Russia were concerned, how would it do for you to have 90% of Romania, for us to have 90% of the say in Greece, and go 50/50 about Yugoslavia? - Addressing Stalin in Moscow, October 1944

- The Churchill you didn't know
там еще много интересного

old fart was full of it

там, однако, отсутствует “sinister confederacy of international Jews”: In an often referenced article in a 1920 edition of the Illustrated Sunday Herald entitled ‘Zionism Versus Bolshevism: A Struggle For The Soul Of The Jewish People’, Churchill expressed astonishment at the accomplishment of this “mystic and mysterious race” whom he claimed “have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.” - SOLZHENITSYN: The Price of Blacklisting a Nobel Laureate’s Book

Friday, July 20, 2018


remove content

"facebook works to remove content that BULLIES or HARASSES others."

это они вывесили сегодня. то есть с завтрашнего дня там будет абсолютно пусто, надо понимать.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

when shit really hit the fan

Mark Zuckerberg Says Facebook Won’t Remove Holocaust Denial Content - это HuffPo, не кто нибудь

Zuckerberg dug himself into an even deeper hole by offering up Holocaust denialism as another example of Facebook content he wouldn’t remove from the network.

“I’m Jewish, and there’s a set of people who deny that the Holocaust happened,” Zuckerberg said. “I find that deeply offensive. But at the end of the day, I don’t believe that our platform should take that down because I think there are things that different people get wrong. I don’t think that they’re intentionally getting it wrong. I think ―”

Swisher quickly interrupted him to question his choice of example.

“In the case of the Holocaust deniers, they might be, but go ahead,” she interjected.

But Zuckerberg doubled down, implying that there is a good-faith debate happening on Facebook about the systematic slaughter of around 6 million Jewish people during World War II.

в сети, ясное дело, shitstorm: facebook holocaust denial

upd 07/26/18:

. HOW LOW WILL IT GO? FACEBOOK DEATH SPIRAL STOCK -18% - кто-то нажал кнопку Выкл

. Zuck loses $16B in 5 minutes, key shareholder calls for his head as Facebook shares crater

denying Holocaust is expensive no doubts about that

wild speculation folder

UK Security Minister Ben Wallace has dismissed claims police identified the suspects in the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury as “wild speculation.”

это, конечно, RT пишет, но они приводят twitter screen shot, где он черным по белому выложил I think this story belongs in the “ill informed and wild speculation folder”

это сильно. придется добавлять тэг un-fucking-believable

даже nyt успела отметиться, и Reuters

новостей многовато стало. какая-то херня происходит в датском королевстве. да и во всех остальных - тоже.

просто фото

Маркизова лужа / Ожидание и Конкурс красоты в женской колонии для несовершеннолетних, 1989 год, Рязань

Corbyn racist

Labour acts against Margaret Hodge for calling Corbyn racist

Labour should unite, and direct all its firepower on May’s government

labor should unite, goes without saying

ynetnews.com is a bit more open: Jewish British MP to Corbyn: 'f***ing anti-Semite and racist'.

ну и Daily Mail с картинками. фотогеничная дама.

watch corbyn hodge

McDonald разъясняет подробно в TOO: Labour’s Gas-Chamber Blues: Pink Berets vs “F***ing Anti-Semites”. link to With a past like hers, Margaret Hodge might show a bit more humility [this is Independent!]

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

McFaul & Browder

White House weighs Putin proposal on questioning U.S. officials:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Wednesday declined to rule out accepting a Russian proposal for the questioning in the United States of Americans sought by the Kremlin for “illegal activities,” including a former U.S. ambassador to Moscow.

White House not ruling out Putin proposal to let Russia question ex-US ambassador, prominent financier


Michael McFaul [twitter]

McFaul & Browder

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


убийцы в белых халатах

. Blood Pressure Medicine Is Recalled
. An Aspirin a Day for Heart Health? It May Depend on Your Weight
. Fish oil for a healthy heart 'nonsense'

ну и вообще полезно почитать книжку одной Нины Шапиро Hype (если она не русская шпионка™, конечно). у нее там много интересного, в частности про доброго доктора Wakefield и аутизм. ну и про рыбий жир у нее тоже есть.

see also Reduced food intake in old mice can no longer improve health

Monday, July 16, 2018

nyt скорбящая

справа вверху - Trump Shows the World He's Putin's Lackey одной Michelle Goldberg. читать незачем, заголовка достаточно.

в общем вся NYT - рыдания и посыпания голов пеплом

кипит наш разум возмущенный

Sunday, July 15, 2018

chutzpah über Alles

Indeed it was a former Israeli foreign minister, Abba Eban, who first quipped that “There'’s no business like Shoah business”. - An enemy of the people

это из статьи 2000-го года в The Guardian про Нормана Финкельштейна, Self-hating Jew™

интересно, что высказывание Аббы Эбана широко цитируется в сети самыми что ни на есть кошерными источниками. вот, к примеру, Haaretz, а вот The Jerusalem Post. без тени смущения.

в Шереметьево

© agasfer


your body, which used to be an asset, gradually becomes a liability © yhs

Saturday, July 14, 2018

loud voice

The Mayor figured Dionisio, the five-syllable name of the Greek god of wine and party boys, was too unusual and too big a bellyful for a politician. He was only five-six and had a very luxurious paunch, but he had enormous energy, the best political antennae in the business, a loud voice, and an egotistical bonhomie that could take over an entire room full of people and swallow them whole. - Back to Blood by Tom Wolfe

full text

ветер не с моря

ветер с моря                               ветер не с моря

Friday, July 13, 2018

so did and still does everyone

Weinstein was quoted by Taki Theodoracopulos, a columnist for the Spectator, as saying “Yes, I did offer them acting jobs in exchange for sex, but so did and still does everyone.” - Harvey Weinstein Attorney Says He Was Misquoted in ‘Roles for Sex’ Interview

so did and still does everyone? in Hollywood? no, i cannot fucking believe it, pardon my French.

кто не с нами

– Может ли учитель элитной школы совращать учениц? (Мнения – да, нет, может, если у него с ученицами любовь).

– Можно ли жечь людей в Доме Профсоюзов? (Мнения – да, нет, можно, если люди плохие).

– Может ли врач на приеме убивать пациента ударом и наповал? (Мнения – да, нет, может, если пациент попался какой-то не такой).

– Можно ли болеть за спортивную сборную своей страны? (Мнения – да, нет, можно, но тогда ты фашист и пособник режима).

© Мария Дегтерева

British tradition and stock

Margaret Thatcher proclaimed that the Falklanders were ‘of British tradition and stock’ and sent a task force to get back the islands, 8,000 miles away. - Daily Mail, June 2015
plenty of stuff on this all over the net, but here is a really good piece: Thatcher 'threatened to nuke Argentina'
Mr Mitterrand - who once described Mrs Thatcher as "the eyes of Caligula and the mouth of Marilyn Monroe" - went on: "One cannot win against the insular syndrome of an unbridled Englishwoman. Provoke a nuclear war for a few islands inhabited by three sheep as hairy as they are freezing! But it's a good job I gave way. Otherwise, I assure you, the Lady's metallic finger would have hit the button."
см. также Война за Фолклендские (Мальвинские) острова
also Belgrano Inquiry: Is Maggie Thatcher a War Criminal? and British Use of Nuclear Weapons
The British empire may be dead, but a nagging desire to rule the world, or at least tell it how to behave, is embedded in the genes of every British politician. - Only Britain can beg for scraps from China and tell them how to behave by Simon Jenkins

Thursday, July 12, 2018

четвертая строка

это идет четвертой строкой в ленте Google World News

method to trump's madness

"method to trump's madness" - About 11,900 results
upd 07/14/18: About 30,400 results
upd 07/15/18: About 36,100 results

unrelated: Islamberg, New York, how very interesting

see also Driven by anti-Muslim paranoia, far-right extremists to gather in Islamberg, New York

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

simultaneous orgasm

The only time that my wife and I had a simultaneous orgasm was when the judge signed the divorce papers. - Woody Allen

от себя добавлю: "и бездны брачной на краю" © впс

Trump and Khan

London Mayor Sadiq Khan balloon planned to counter 'Trump baby' blimp in London: Campaign for ‘Baby Khan’ balloon smashes £10k target as public express anger at London’s Mayor.

Meet the man protesting the Trump baby by flying his own anti-Sadiq Khan balloon over London - Yanny Bruere

про жидов и выкрестов

трепетный страдалец messala в Люди, которые всерьез* произносят слово "жид" вышел на уровень трагической пошлости, прочно, казалось бы, занятый scholar-vit. последний меня давно с позором выгнал из своего журнала, первый - пока нет. будем ждать.
А говорящие "гой"? - нет ответа

чтоб два раза не вставать - Trumpverstehers. там в конце забавно про слезинку ребенка.

In a Lonely Place

пожалуй на этом снимке лучше всего видно, как несравненная Gloria Grahame поднимает бровку - в фильме она это делает раз сто. в общем-то не надоедает. фильм с книгой имеет мало общего.

забавно, что в книге на стр 12 написано "Good prints, O'Keeffe and Rivera.", а в кино O'Keeffe заменили на Ренуара и Дега. молодцы. Риверу комиссия одобрила.

книга на amazon получила 4.8 из 5 звезд, а заслуживает 4 в лучшем случае. хотя написано живенько. Gloria Grahame играет еще в Human Desire, фильм гораздо сильнее и интереснее, но его снял Фриц Ланге, а сценарий написал Alfred Hayes...

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

обнаженная модель

Светлана Курмаз, работы маленького размера, 2015-2018

еще / yandex

moral equality

But it is a dangerous mistake to premise the moral equality of human beings on biological similarity because dissimilarity, once revealed, then becomes an argument for moral inequality. - Human genetic diversity: Lewontin’s fallacy by A.W.F. Edwards
“To rest the case for equal treatment of national or racial minorities on the assertion that they do not differ from other men is implicitly to admit that factual inequality would justify unequal treatment.” (Fr. Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty, Chicago University Press, 1960, p. 86)
see also 10 Questions for A. W. F. Edwards: I had stopped working in human and population genetics in 1968 on moving to Cambridge because I could not get any support...

и еще раз: The universal genetic program and the custom-built phenotype: implications for race and sex by Ed Hagen

Monday, July 9, 2018

нобелевская метеорология

Для русской словесности Нобелевка окружена особым магическим ореолом, позволяет как бы сразу вырваться из культурного гетто и вознестись над миром в облаке славы. После присуждения премии Светлане Алексиевич страсти как будто улеглись. Стало ясно, что Нобелевка — это не астрономия литературы, определяющая абсолютный размер звездных величин, а метеорология, показывающая всего лишь направление ветров и состояние атмосферы. © mikhail-epstein

via buyaner

Boris давай досвиданья

Не любят Бориса и на родине

Boris Johnson Has Ruined Britain

see also Highly Likely sat on a wall

good riddance

Sunday, July 8, 2018

гламурная болельщица

девушка в ресторане во время матча Россия — Хорватия

@ через окно


Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock. Will Rogers

Frederick the Great

Frederick the Great
Concerto for Flute No. 3 in C Major


в свободное от сочинения музыки время работал королем Пруссии

on breeds and races

‘She Has Her Mother’s Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity — a review in Quilette of a book by Carl Zimmer. review author is Gregory Cochran. lots of comments.

there's a response to his review by Eric Turkheimer. and then - a reply to the response by Cochran.

after reading all this one gets a fair impression of what is currently happening in the evolutionary anthropology.

among comments to the original review by Cochran there's a link to Ed Hagen's article The universal genetic program and the custom-built phenotype: implications for race and sex, very lucid and amazingly interesting.

significant amount of space in the exchange between Cochran and Turkheimer is dedicated to the comparison between dog breeds and human races. very enlightening (again, in regard to the current status of genetics and evolutionary anthropology).

от себя добавлю: книжку Циммера я пока не читал, но прочел треть то́лстого тома Behave by Robert Sapolsky. к ней можно применить многие упреки, которые Cochran предъявляет Циммеру.

see also

. Invariant world, invariant mind. Evolutionary psychology and its critics by Edward H. Hagen
. Human natures — A review of The 10,000 Year Explosion, G. Cochran and H. Harpending by Edward H. Hagen
. Human genetic diversity: Lewontin’s fallacy by A.W.F. Edwards
. Bob Trivers’ (and my) take on famous evolutionary biologists by Jerry Coyne
. No true Scotsman

еще теперь Rational Wiki занимается пропагандой и агитацией, см. Gregory Cochran

Saturday, July 7, 2018

number of sex partners

Divorce/separation between birth and 5 years predicted early menarche, first sexual intercourse, first pregnancy, and shorter duration of first marriage. Separation in adolescence was the strongest predictor of number of sex partners. Multiple changes in childhood caretaking environment were associated with early menarche, first sex, first pregnancy, greater number of sex partners, and shorter duration of marriage. - Father absence, parental care, and female reproductive development

I wonder how they controlled for genetically inherited traits.

Friday, July 6, 2018

permanent position

...when Alain Aspect was planning to take Bell’s experiment into the laboratories in 1975, Bell remained cautious about Aspect’s perspectives in physics, as Freire has pointed out: “. . . Bell asked him, “Have you a permanent position?” After Aspect’s positive answer, Bell warmly encouraged him to publish the idea, but warned him that this was considered by most physicists a subject for crackpots.”

Apparently, 10 years after Bell’s successful publication, the possibilities for physicists to get involved in the foundations of quantum mechanics were still restricted. It is exemplary for the bad status of the topic that the physicist who earlier tried to perform an experiment on Bell’s theorem, John Clauser, never got a permanent position in physics. - The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in Postwar Transatlantic Physics

если уж в теоретической физике собственное мнение не приветствовалось, что говорить о сегодняшней эволюционной антропологии.

British far-right

. Jayda Fransen
. Alison Chabloz
. Tommy Robinson
. Morrissey
. Katie Hopkins

see also

. UK reportedly tells Trump he cannot meet with Brexit architect Nigel Farage
. Nigel Farage's Tweet About The Donald Trump Baby Blimp Is A Bit Daft - Cue Ridicule
. The incredible silliness of Britain’s Stop Trump movement

Thursday, July 5, 2018


например Полянский в Carnage обошелся без убийств. и Феллини в Репетиции оркестра - тоже.

фильм замечательно своевременный и политкорректный. это, конечно, не примитивные Три щита, Аронофски - мужчина серьезный.

кроме того: зачем там две отдельные части, по сути не связанные. такое впечатление, что у Аронофски было две сходных идеи, и ему было жаль от одной отказываться.

первая часть интереснее (и содержание, и актеры), и сложнее для интерпретации. вторая - довольно прямолинейная метафора, или группа метафор. первая часть - Carnage, вторая - Репетиция оркестра


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

фрейдистская отговорка

фрейдистская отговорка

поразительно, нет ни в google, ни даже в yandex.ru

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

курение убивает пианиста

это художник Robert McGinnis, фильмы про Бонда оформлял, в частности. особенно хороши его обложки для книг, вот три варианта Dolls Are Deadly, его - средняя.

see also more deadly than the male via


нужна фотография курение убивает девушку с веслом. пока что не нашел.

see also bleak picture and Sleazy Digest Books

book cover

colorblind racism

Prof claims Hispanic students perpetuate 'colorblind racism':
A Michigan State University sociology professor claims that the "abstract liberalism" of many Latino and Latina college students serves to reinforce "colorblind racism."

вот Psychology Today разъясняет еще в древнем 2011-м: Colorblind Ideology Is a Form of Racism

надо заводить метку newspeak

а уж abstract liberalism звучит точно как абстрактный гуманизм [Возникновение термина пришлось на 1930-е годы в разгар сталинских репрессий в СССР, когда традиционное духовное человеколюбие идеологически не поощрялось.] и гнилой либерализм [Выражение М. Е. Салтыкова Щедрина (1826–1889) из сатирического очерка (1875) «Господа Молчалины»]

Sunday, July 1, 2018

and they blink

один Brian Leiter делится свежими мыслями о Ницше: Friedrich Nietzsche: The truth is terrible. оказывается Ницше был не только экзистенциалистом, он еще был антилибералом. кто бы мог подумать.

по нынешним временам порядочный еврей не может написать статью о философии, тем более в TLS, без того, чтобы в конце не пнуть Трампа. к месту или нет - несущественно. anything goes. антилиберализм, однако, тут - к месту.
“Everybody wants the same, everybody is the same: whoever feels different goes voluntarily into a madhouse.” “We have invented happiness”, say the last men, “and they blink.”
"Счастье найдено нами", -- говорят последние люди, и моргают.
в начале статьи Leiter пишет: His enthusiasm for Wagner subsided ... he grew disillusioned with Wagner’s rabid anti-Semitism. а вот хочу спросить: есть у нас примеры в истории, когда бы anti-Semitism был не rabid? и моргают...
