Friday, July 13, 2018

British tradition and stock

Margaret Thatcher proclaimed that the Falklanders were ‘of British tradition and stock’ and sent a task force to get back the islands, 8,000 miles away. - Daily Mail, June 2015
plenty of stuff on this all over the net, but here is a really good piece: Thatcher 'threatened to nuke Argentina'
Mr Mitterrand - who once described Mrs Thatcher as "the eyes of Caligula and the mouth of Marilyn Monroe" - went on: "One cannot win against the insular syndrome of an unbridled Englishwoman. Provoke a nuclear war for a few islands inhabited by three sheep as hairy as they are freezing! But it's a good job I gave way. Otherwise, I assure you, the Lady's metallic finger would have hit the button."
см. также Война за Фолклендские (Мальвинские) острова
also Belgrano Inquiry: Is Maggie Thatcher a War Criminal? and British Use of Nuclear Weapons
The British empire may be dead, but a nagging desire to rule the world, or at least tell it how to behave, is embedded in the genes of every British politician. - Only Britain can beg for scraps from China and tell them how to behave by Simon Jenkins

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