Friday, July 6, 2018

permanent position

...when Alain Aspect was planning to take Bell’s experiment into the laboratories in 1975, Bell remained cautious about Aspect’s perspectives in physics, as Freire has pointed out: “. . . Bell asked him, “Have you a permanent position?” After Aspect’s positive answer, Bell warmly encouraged him to publish the idea, but warned him that this was considered by most physicists a subject for crackpots.”

Apparently, 10 years after Bell’s successful publication, the possibilities for physicists to get involved in the foundations of quantum mechanics were still restricted. It is exemplary for the bad status of the topic that the physicist who earlier tried to perform an experiment on Bell’s theorem, John Clauser, never got a permanent position in physics. - The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in Postwar Transatlantic Physics

если уж в теоретической физике собственное мнение не приветствовалось, что говорить о сегодняшней эволюционной антропологии.

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