Sunday, July 8, 2018

on breeds and races

‘She Has Her Mother’s Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity — a review in Quilette of a book by Carl Zimmer. review author is Gregory Cochran. lots of comments.

there's a response to his review by Eric Turkheimer. and then - a reply to the response by Cochran.

after reading all this one gets a fair impression of what is currently happening in the evolutionary anthropology.

among comments to the original review by Cochran there's a link to Ed Hagen's article The universal genetic program and the custom-built phenotype: implications for race and sex, very lucid and amazingly interesting.

significant amount of space in the exchange between Cochran and Turkheimer is dedicated to the comparison between dog breeds and human races. very enlightening (again, in regard to the current status of genetics and evolutionary anthropology).

от себя добавлю: книжку Циммера я пока не читал, но прочел треть то́лстого тома Behave by Robert Sapolsky. к ней можно применить многие упреки, которые Cochran предъявляет Циммеру.

see also

. Invariant world, invariant mind. Evolutionary psychology and its critics by Edward H. Hagen
. Human natures — A review of The 10,000 Year Explosion, G. Cochran and H. Harpending by Edward H. Hagen
. Human genetic diversity: Lewontin’s fallacy by A.W.F. Edwards
. Bob Trivers’ (and my) take on famous evolutionary biologists by Jerry Coyne
. No true Scotsman

еще теперь Rational Wiki занимается пропагандой и агитацией, см. Gregory Cochran

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