Friday, March 11, 2016

timing is everything

The medical examiner’s office did not explain the timing of its announcement, nor why the findings took so long. Officials there had said as recently as Wednesday that it would not imminently release its findings, only to reverse course the next day. - Mystery Deepens Over Death of Former Putin Ally Mikhail Lesin

nyt - единственный источник, упомянувший о задержке.

Russian state media ... reported that he had died from a heart attack. - интересно, откуда у них данные были? не от полиции ли города Вашингтон?

информация к размышлению о свободной прессе.

новости становится все труднее воспринимать всерьез.

никому дела нет, впрочем, до того, как их воспринимают.

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