Sunday, November 13, 2011

installment after installment…

In marriage, insult arises again and again and again; and pain has to be not only endured, but consented to; and the amount of forgiveness that it necessitates is incredible and exhausting. When love has given satisfaction, then you discover how large a part of the rest of life is only payment for it, installment after installment… - The Pilgrim Hawk: A Love Story, by Glenway Wescott.

in sashawantsmore

also in deweydivas

там много можно цитировать: "People do kill themselves just because they want to murder someone... Someone they love." прямо Баллада Редингской тюрьмы бля.

ну и, конечно, весь этот пассаж про голод:
And highly sexed men, unless they give in and get married and stay married, more or less starve to death. I myself was still young then and I had been lucky in love. But little early quarrels and failures warn one; and in the confidences of friends and in gossip about other men, one discovers the vague beastly shape of what to expect… Love-life goes on indefinitely, with less and less likelihood of being loved, less and less ability to love, and the stomach-ache of love still as sharp as ever. The old bachelor is like an old hawk.

не один я, конечно, обратил на это внимание. текст цитируется в openlettersmonthly. не знаю, чего в этой маленькой повести больше, мизантропии или мизогинии.

I have learned—but again and again I forget—that abstraction is a bad thing, innumerable and infinitesimal and tiresome; worse than any amount of petty fact. … It is like a useless, fruitless vegetation, spreading and twining and fading and corrupting; even the ego disappears under it …

это цитирует некий Eddie Kohler из Гарварда и еще несколько человек. в общем, всю книжку можно растащить на цитаты, как Ерофеева.