Neutrality legislation, passed by overwhelming majorities in both houses of Congress and adopted in finally revised form on May 1, 1937, completely repudiated Wilson’s position.
The Act in its final form provided that “whenever the President shall find that there exists a state of war between or among two or more foreign states”, certain measures should automatically come into effect.
There was to be an embargo on the sale of arms, munitions, and implements of war to all belligerents. American citizens were forbidden to travel on belligerent ships and to buy or sell securities of warring powers. Such products as cotton, scrap iron, and oil could be sold to belligerents, but could not be transported in American ships. This was the so-called cash-and-carry arrangement.
тут. познавательная книга, цитировать можно без конца.
I give you my deep and unalterable conviction, based on years of experience as a worker in the field of international peace, that by the repeal of the embargo the United States will more probably remain at peace than if the law remains as it stands today.
more probably... highly likely...
That American sympathy is ninety-eight per cent with the Finns in their effort to stave off invasion of their own soil is by now axiomatic.
это почему же
ninety-eight разрешите спросить
A president who cannot entrust the people with the truth betrays a certain lack of faith in the basic tenets of democracy. But because the masses are notoriously shortsighted and generally cannot see danger until it is at their throats our statesmen are forced to deceive them into an awareness of their own long run interests.
вот, собственно, и все, что нужно знать о демократии.
Stalin, who loved to practice the old maxim, Divide and Rule, could have wished nothing better. - интересно, где он этому научился? у хулиганов во дворе? ну и невозможно не процитировать
Churchill tried to reach a satisfactory separate agreement with Stalin. As is shown in another chapter, Churchill took the initiative in the dismemberment of Poland at Teheran. In an attempt to “ compensate" Poland for the territory which he wished to hand over to Stalin, the British Prime Minister threw the weight of his influence behind the idea of expelling millions of Germans from the eastern part of that country.
там дальше цитата из старины Черчилля как раз об этом.
на стр. 189 он пишет про разговор Хопкинса со Сталиным о Польше, упрекая Сталина во лжи. на самом деле нагло врет сам автор, Chamberlin. и по поводу второго фронта - скверное вранье и передергивание. ну не любит Chamberlin русских и Сталина, но передергивать-то зачем?
The Morgenthau Plan, which Roosevelt and Churchill had approved at Quebec, recommended “forced German labor outside Germany” as a form of reparations.