Wednesday, June 14, 2023

misogyny in Suttree

Naturally, further danger rests in crafting a reading that assigns the misogyny of a character or text to its speaker or to its author. ... Fowler writes of Faulkner,
Of course, the attitude of any particular fictional character is not necessarily the author’s attitude and should not necessarily be attributed to the author; nevertheless, the obtrusive and pervasive woman-censuring in Faulkner’s fiction inescapably raises a troubling question—If Faulkner is not a woman-hater, why, then, do so many of his male characters hate women?
это из Misogyny in Cormac McCarthy’s Suttree (2003). по-моему смешно.
“In her bright metal haircurlers she looked like the subject of bizarre experiments on the human brain."

Дуся дремлет как ребенок,
накрутивши бигуди."

интересно, что Suttree вышла в 1979-м, a Инструкция перед поездкой за рубеж - в 1974-м
The rapidity with which Suttree falls into the use of the word “cunt” speaks volumes.
ну это вообще мама не горюй

интересно, что на этот thesis я попал через книги делаются из книг 6/9/23, а 6/13/23 Cormac McCarthy умер

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