Friday, December 2, 2022

Ye tweet

I was sleeping and missed it - what did Ye tweet that got him suspended? @Catturd ™

I think now I understand why @elonmusk has been working so hard on being able to travel to Mars...He's going to need to live there after this Twitter drop tonight. LessssGo! @John Rich

Main takeaway from the Kanye interview: if you want to say “I like Hitler” on a live broadcast, don’t forget your Azov badge or you’ll get cancelled instead of getting invited to Congress @Wyatt Reed

от себя добавлю: ни хуя себе цирк ребята затеяли вот уж где скандал в благородном семействе: тут тебе и Трамп, и Байден, и Клинтон, и Гитлер - все вообще. Все смешалось в доме Облонских...

There is not one single article about @elonmusk or the @twitter email release last night on @nytimes app this morning. @Clay Travis
meanwhile Amazon CEO Says Company Won't Take Down Antisemitic Film:
Andy Jassy said it is difficult for the company to determine what content crosses the line to where Amazon doesn’t make it available to customers

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