Tuesday, December 27, 2022

getting irritable

Bankman-Fried's criminal case assigned to Judge Lewis Kaplan - court filing - инетресно, что фамилия судьи в большинстве заголовков отсутствует. зато есть дрегие интимные подробности: Bankman-Fried's criminal case assigned to judge in Trump, Prince Andrew cases и Sam Bankman-Fried’s judge is a no-nonsense 78-year-old veteran with 3 decades on the bench known for getting irritable

стоит почитать @zerohedge thread:

- Seems like a reasonable compromise. Now he can pay his fines directly in shekels. No goym money needed.
- Another Jewish judge
- Kaplan you say. Lol, USA is a clown country.
- Oy vey
- lol.. keeping it in the family 
- Coincidence time.
- Playing this one close to the vest. [Карты к орденам ]

ну и так далее. злые люди. нет ли здесь антисемитизма. не удалят ли эту ветку.

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