Wednesday, December 21, 2022

We Live in a Simulation

Confirmed! We Live in a Simulation
Yet there have been skeptics. Physicist Frank Wilczek has argued that there’s too much wasted complexity in our universe for it to be simulated. Building complexity requires energy and time. Why would a conscious, intelligent designer of realities waste so many resources into making our world more complex than it needs to be?
it's not complexity. it's called macaroni code, stupid.

отличная статья, в частности про скорость света как hardware artifact и про raison d’être of subjective experience:

The simplest explanation for the existence of an experience or qualia is that it exists for the purpose of being an experience.


So here we are generating this product called consciousness that we apparently don’t have a use for, that is an experience and hence must serve as an experience. The only logical next step is to surmise that this product serves someone else.

см. также Вселенная нереальна. Доказано! [youtube]

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