Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Patriot Party

Trump discussing forming new political outfit called the Patriot Party, report says - не пройдет и трех дней после ее создания, как мы узнаем, что эта партия финансируется из Кремля. alas, the guy is delusional. he should read his history.

In The Arena: A Memoir of Victory, Defeat, and Renewal By Richard Nixon:

He had known several of Jaworski’s staff at the Harvard Law School and had served with some in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New York. He said, I know these people. They are smart and ruthless. They hate you. They will harass you and hound you in civil and criminal actions across the country for the rest of your life. He was right. They were following the dictum of the nineteenth-century Russian revolutionary Sergey Nechayev: It is not enough to kill an adversary. He must first be dishonored." - ex libris
via Берия, Берия нет тебе доверия

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