Saturday, June 27, 2020

Trying to Fix Quantum Mechanics

As the saw-toothed Alps sliced by in the sky out the passenger window, I asked what things were like when he was growing up.

“There was this moral aspect of working,” he said, “which now in a sense is lost.” Young people now, he said, are too concerned with “success” and “being known.”

“Success is nothing,” his father taught him. “Proper work is what counts.”

- The Rebel Physicist Trying to Fix Quantum Mechanics

парню всего 47 лет, однако. еще немного подробностей, не относящихся к физике:
Bassi’s early childhood, which was practically preindustrial. His first home was a two-story brick-and-fieldstone apartment block — the same his father grew up in — where a handful of families lived and shared a courtyard for their horses, pigs and cows. A stone outhouse still stands there today, and although indoor plumbing had come by the time Bassi was born, television hadn’t.
охренеть, это Италия в 1980-м
Broadly, there are two takes on that question. One is the orthodoxy, also called antirealism (although generally only by the nonorthodox; physicists tend to recoil at being labeled anything other than some version of realist. Mermin, for example, prefers the term “participatory realist”).
неплохая статья, всякое случается и в nyt. про механику, впрочем, все равно ни хера не понятно.

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