Sunday, June 14, 2020

principle of identity

The principle of identity does not belong, as a postulate, in classical physics. There it is employed only as a logical device, nothing requiring that it be taken to correspond to a substantial reality. It is an altogether different matter in modern physics, one of whose root assumptions is the absolute identity of two atoms found in the same quantum state. - Chance and Necessity by Jacques Monod, pg 100
absolutely amazing, this is the third concept i was also thinking about

see also field of subjectivity
Hence the entire system is totally, intensely conservative, locked into itself, utterly impervious to any ''hints" from the outside world. Through its properties, by the microscopic clockwork function that establishes between DNA and protein, as between organism and medium, an entirely one-way relationship, this system obviously defies any "dialectical" description. It is not Hegelian at all, but thoroughly Cartesian: the cell is indeed a machine. - pg 110
Jeffery Wicken, in Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science, described the book as a "manifesto of materialist biology in the most reductivist sense" - Wiki

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