Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Voters Behind Trump’s Higher Approval Rating

Who Are the Voters Behind Trump’s Higher Approval Rating? - неожиданно умеренная по тону статья в nyt. комментарии предсказуемые:
- The only thing proved by some independents and Democrats giving Trump some credit for his handling of the COVID-19 crisis is that Republicans don't have a monopoly on intellectually lazy voters.

- These people simply live in a different reality than I do. This article is the most demoralizing thing I've read to date. It's simply astounding to watch America being destroyed by such immense ignorance, right before our very eyes.

- This may be the most depressing article yet. America is doomed, not just because Trump will have a second term, but for what will come after him. We all thought W, then Palin were the bottom -- but Trump is a new low. What's next? I shudder to think.
ну и так далее

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