Monday, April 13, 2020

Europe Against the Jews

But if judged on the basis of his treatment of czarist Russia, home to half the Jews of the world at the turn of the 20th century, his knowledge beyond Germany feels sparse. Pogroms weren’t “state sanctioned,” the 15 provinces of the Pale of Settlement were not a “giant ghetto” and the regime had no coherent policy with regard to Jewish emigration. - What Were the Origins of the Holocaust?
this is from nyt review of Europe Against the Jews: 1880-1945 by Götz Aly. they are not happy with his inability (or lack of desire?) "to capture Nazism’s all-encompassing anti-Jewish hatred".
Even with regard to Germany, Aly never manages to capture Nazism’s all-encompassing anti-Jewish hatred, the “torrent of ideological fanaticism” — in the words of the eminent historian Saul Friedlander — “the murderous fury” that “would explode in an unlimited urge for destruction and death.” Rarely in Aly’s work does one find more than history’s unadorned bricks, which seem insufficient in explicating the underpinnings of the horror.
look further on for "jarring turn" and in the beginning for "...Nazi effort to eradicate an entire people is explainable as “rational,” if, of course, also deplorable. "

и не забыли пнуть Трампа:
And in the United States the White House continues to stoke anti-Semitism’s embers, branding others as purveyors of hate while itself remaining the bearer of insidious messages that cut deep into public life.
потому что Карфаген должен быть разрушен!

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