Saturday, April 25, 2020


In the next chapter we will look at how processes of brain plasticity lead to refinement of neural circuitry in response to experience, and how such effects, far from evening out initial differences between people, can instead amplify them- pg 80

- Innate by Kevin J. Mitchell
In this way, we learn from our experiences and adapt to our environment. But we don’t all experience the world in the same way. Innate differences in the subjective weights of these affective states in different individuals will strongly bias activity-dependent learning in higher-order behavioral circuits. What different people find salient differs from the outset—some people may weight threats more heavily, they may be more risk averse, they may find positive outcomes more subjectively rewarding, or negative outcomes more subjectively aversive. Because the weight of these signals is the thing that gates learning, initial differences will tend to get reinforced and exaggerated through these processes. - pg 93
Его чувства никогда не отличались такой силой, чтобы он не мог с ними справиться. Некоторые люди очень радуются такому умению владеть собой, не соглашаясь признать, что часто бывают обязаны этой способностью не столько силе характера, сколько известной вялости темперамента. - Андре Жид, Фальшивомонетчики
очень показательна глава Searching for Genes and Circuits - он внятно объясняет, что не удалось найти генетических и структурных соответствий для Big Five personality traits. и предлагает убедительное (на мой взгляд) объяснение (Big Five is just some labels, not reflecting essential traits).

The chapters I, Robot and I, Human should be compared with mind etc [1995], see from Each brain has certain characteristic values. Also see last paragraph on pg 129

few more quotes

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