Tuesday, May 22, 2018

чтобы крыша поехала

Похоже, они добивались того, чтобы у нас крыша поехала. - так перевел agasfer

вот источник, это говорит Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, no shit
"I do not believe I've seen that conclusion that the specific intent was to help President Trump win. I'm not aware of that," Nielsen said, responding to a reporter's question after briefing House members on election security efforts.

She said she believed the Russians have attempted to manipulate public confidence on both sides.

"We've seen them encourage people to go to a protest on one side. We've seen them simultaneously encourage people to go to that same protest on the other side. So I think what they're trying to do, in my opinion, and I defer to the Intel community is just disrupt our belief in our own understanding of what's happening."

давно так не смеялся

забавная реакция WaPo: Trump DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s bizarre comments about Russian interference


NYT через час размещает статью под заголовком Homeland Security Chief Backtracks After Saying Russia Didn’t Try to Help Trump, в которой нет даже намека на backtrack.

upd 5/23/18: Pompeo affirms, reluctantly, Russia tried to help Trump win - тут ключевое слово reluctantly. вообще этот материал не слишком prominent в google news.

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