Saturday, July 9, 2016

masturbates to Obama

A neatly dressed girl is sitting alone in a cafe, wondering aloud about the size of her arsehole. She spent the previous night with a man friend, drunkenly exploring certain sexual possibilities, and now is concerned that she might be unusually accommodating.
This antihero cares only about herself, lives alone (people in sitcoms can afford to do this in London), masturbates to Obama on the news, and employs duplicity almost constantly to project the image she wants others to have of her.
Am I still a feminist if I watch porn, or if I want to change my body to make me feel more sexually attractive?” ponders Waller-Bridge, remembering the confusion of her own early womanhood.

это The Guardian

интересно узнать что обо всем этом думает новый мэр Лондона Sadiq Khan

кстати, по-русски предлог должен быть на. интересно, по-английски это всегда to? тут обсуждение и пример: She masturbated to Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony. how very sweet.

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