Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Young Adam again

the book, amazingly, is worse than the movie. it's not bad, but much less persuasive, especially the central scene (accident or murder or whatever you call it), Part Two, Chapter One. Trocchi puts there anything and everything:
. It had been forced upon me without logic, like Mexico on Maximilian;
. Till a’ the seas gang dry
. St Mungo and the fish
. quien sabe [why Spanish? - vs]
. Thou sure and firm-set earth
it's all - in the space of just two pages, without warning. yes, Adam is reading books, yes, but ain't this a bit too much.

also all this fingerprints removal from the lighters etc - not exactly Raskolnikov, but not without FMD influence entirely.

one way or another - the whole thing is rather weak and not natural enough, so - while I can understand why Camus was mentioned, but i think it's a far cry from Stranger.

but after this Part Two, Chapter One the books becomes much much better.
I felt a devastating sense of loss for something which I had never had, and it didn't occur to me that that something was a thing which no one ever possesses for the simple reason that it is something which is created in being seen and which exists only for the spectator without whom it could never become an object to tantalize. - here

‘vast gravitational forces which went beyond any ‘I’ I was conscious of, of a consciously woven matrix within which my own conscious decisions were mere threads’ - More Than a Metaphor: Fictive Privilege in Trocchi’s Young Adam

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