Beyoncé Unearths Pain and whatever - уж не знаю што она там еще Unearths (да и дела мне нет), но филейные части у нее выдающиеся [в хорошем смысле], и комментарии читателей хороши. вот несколько без разбору, все смешные и все по разным причинам:
. Consumer pop takes over the New York Times culture coverage. Not why I pay $180.00 a year.в общем надо комментарии читать подряд, нет смысла выбирать.
. I am aghast at what I saw in the news. If Beyonce wants to empower African-American women by showing uncontrolled violence and the destruction of property (smashing car windows and fire hydrants with a baseball bat) I am afraid she is giving her public the wrong message.
. Transforming pain, personal and collective, Beyonce combines music, spoken word, and storytelling into something that I would not hesitate to call art that is emotionally, culturally and politically powerful.
. I think about a middle aged white guy commenting from his armchair that he's "puzzled" that this made it to the front page, and I feel sorry for him because he's blind and out of step with our country's history, its art, and especially it's present and its future.
. The comments in the paper of record are beginning to disturb me. It's as if any positive coverage of a minority unleashes a not quite concealed rage in many commenters.
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