Thursday, November 5, 2015

conservation of risk

Fear in the Wrong Places - The Brian Lehrer Show, Greg Ip, Wall Street Journal's chief economics commentator and the author of Foolproof: Why Safety Can Be Dangerous and How Danger Makes Us Safe, looks at what we fear and where the real risks lie.

they don't provide transcripts for The Brian Lehrer Show. alas.

his main points:

- when we try to eliminate risk, in reality we just shift it to some other area
- we should not try to get rid of all risk - this would stop any activity; we should try preventing only the extreme undesirable outcomes

a lot of examples - from finance industry, automotive (air bags, anti-lock breaks), bicycle and football helmets, nuclear power plants, antibiotics, just name it.

this doesn't sound like a huge revelation, but definitely something to keep in mind, like some kind of a general rule, or law of nature even. one of conservation laws - conservation of risk? © yhs

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