Thursday, August 23, 2012


The first seven months of 2012 were the warmest on record for the nation. And August 2011 through July this year was the warmest 12-month period on record. - July in US was hottest ever in history books

see also Records fall as 2012 becomes Northeast's hottest year ever

but the most impressive is this: Ocean temperatures along and near the New Jersey coast have averaged between five and 10 degrees above normal since late last year - - Long stretch of above-normal ocean temps off NJ

not very prominent in the news somehow...

"Цены вырастут на все. Сейчас рынок перенасыщен мясом, но скоро его просто не будет на рынке. Людям придется есть пиццу вместо говядины", — говорит фермер Джордж Джонсон. - Засуха в США: из 15 штатов, объявленных зоной бедствия, хуже всего пришлось Айове