The fatal dinner was served. There was nothing on the dish but bones and sinews.
" What is this you are putting before me ? " I asked the maid.
" I am sorry, sir," she replied, " but I had orders to reserve the best pieces for the dog."
- August Strindberg, The Confession Of a Fool

третья часть исключительно смешная, про собачку и обед на даче. про дачу - почти по Чехову, но, конечно, "от первого лица", вполне всерьез, без чеховской иронии и взгляда со стороны. ну и дальше жалобы турка, исключительно понятные и в то же время с забавной серьезностью изложенные.
She was anxious that I should accompany her, for she considered the fact of her husband's absence prejudicial to her best interests.
I became so sick of the torture of their tittle-tattle that I begged to be in future excused from my wife's parties. I urged her to cut her connection with those mental lepers [выделено мной - вс], those disqualified ones, whose presence must of necessity depress us and rob us of our courage.
She knew that I was in her power, and did not scruple to abuse it.
"на шхерах" и "ад"