можно было бы найти больше сходства, но лень. зато тут разница хорошо видна.
It would have been much easier if they had been living in different countries. The contribution of England's coziness . . . plus the English sense of fair play would not allow F. to move in on M.'s problem. In France, where fair play obviously did not exist, these problems would not have arisen. The States also would not have permitted such a situation to develop. One would not expect someone at Berkeley to ignore a first class problem merely because someone at Cal Tech. had started first.
- Double Helix
The paramount use of glass as a symbol is the goldfish bowl. It is central to much of the action; Schlesinger even takes camera shots through it, The fish -- you guessed it -- represent Diana and Robert. (To emphasize the parallel, Robert's surname is Gold.) After Robert leaves her, Diana returns to the apartment with Malcolm, an effeminate photographer (Ronald Curram). They drink and eat huge amounts of garish delicacies, and they pollute the fish bowl with them. The scene ends with the goldfish floating lifelessly on the surface of the fouled water.- верно пишет Tony Macklin.
японка одна из Нагоя
любила купаться нагою
когда без причины
к ней липли мужчины
она их пинала ногою - © впс
...two words are not considered a proper rhyme in English unless there is a different first consonant on the last accented syllable of both words - which makes possible the famous extravagant rhymes of Byron ("ladies intellectual/henpecked you all") and Ogden Nash ("the pelican/Whose beak holds more than his belly can"). - The Pleasures of Rimbaud by Charles Rosen in nyrb, August 18, 2011 / Volume LVIII, Number 13
Сиятельный негр, вытирая салфеткой рот,
Скажет хозяевам мира, жующим свою жратву:
- Такие деликатесы нынче наперечет, -
И почему-то подумает про Москву.
полностью © ivand
Я считаю, что пост президента должен занять человек, у которого харю с похмелья в три дня не уделаешь. А разве такие есть среди нас?
— Нет таких, — хором отвечали делегаты.
— Мою, например, харю — разве нельзя уделать в три дня и с похмелья?
Секунду-две все смотрели мне в лицо оценивающе, а потом отвечали хором: «Можно».
The Englishwoman was the most romantic. All she wanted was everything. - The Romantic Englishwomanфильм более чем средний
Стив Джобс - это капитан Кук ХХI века. Он привёз нам Стеклянные Бусы и Оловянные Тарелки! жаль, что его нельзя ритуально съесть. © shtirl
Bellah is careful to argue that committing oneself to evolutionary theory does not mean abandoning the notion that human beings engage in purposeful action. - The Origins of Religion, Beginning With the Big Bangпоразительно дурацкая фраза.
...our innate tendencies shape the experiences we have, leading us to select ones that tend instead to reinforce or even amplify these tendencies. Our environment does not just shape us – we shape it. - Does brain plasticity trump innateness? © kjmtchlкурсив мой - вс