лауреат Нобелевской премии, 1976. да, по литературе.
"Fill your big mouth with herring, Shapiro! Herzog thought, and mind your own fucking business."
see also Field Marshal Douglas Haig, "Butcher Haig"
"His eyes were moist, the color of freshly sliced cucumber..."
"Your heart has been shat on."
"She was a clever woman and, even better, a dear woman. She had a good heart. And she had on black lace underpants. He knew she did." ...
"Her color deepened still more. She took his hand and placed it inside her blouse, looking steadily at him, eyes growing fluid."
Shrimps Arnaud упомянуты 4 (четыре) раза. и еще три раза - shrimp remoulade, и bone china - трижды. "She took the plate, good bone china with a cobalt rim (the steady spread of luxury into all ranks of society since the fifteenth century, noted by the famous Sombart, inter alia)." и зачем тут inter alia? мистер Белоу демонстрирует образованность? в конце письма поставить vale?
ну и самое блестящее достижение будущего нобелевского лауреата по литературе: "Peter the Great in a rich coat of armor, and a splendid imperial Catherine." - pg. 275, italics are mine - vs
bitch встречается 28 раз в тексте...