Friday, September 23, 2011

Вейнингер - записи и выписки

The suicider is almost always a sadist, because he alone wants to get out of a situation and can act; a masochist must first question all eternity whether he may, should, take his own life.
и особенно
The sadist seeks to help people (against their will, their constant disposition) to (momentary) happiness or pain; he is grateful or revengeful.
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The masochist is initially struck by similarity, the sadist by difference.

- Collected Aphorisms
The masochist is attractive to the hysterical woman (woman as plant), the sadist is attractive to the non-hysterical (woman as animal).
ain't it funny
A man’s holding of suicide to be ever allowable, or always forbidden, can be characteristic for whether he is actually superficial, or innately profound.