Monday, October 25, 2021

Colin Powell and ‘Guernica’

Colin Powell and ‘Guernica’ - очередная бесстыдная статья в nyt. новый уровень бесстыдства. типа Powell был такой невинной овечкой и We’re still living in a world warped by the fakery of W. and Cheney. ну и без Трампа не обошлось. но есть интересные признания:
Powell is a cautionary tale for another reason. He was supposed to be the “grown-up in the room,” a counterweight to W.’s callowness. It didn’t work. Powell folded and hundreds of thousands, and counting, died.
и есть интересная подробность:
When U.N. officials covered up a tapestry of Picasso’s antiwar masterpiece, “Guernica,” before his speech, Powell should have checked that small thing.

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