Tuesday, February 23, 2021

direct answer

Earlier this week, I objected when a journalist dishonestly spliced my words to imply I supported Charles Murray's The Bell Curve. Some people wrote me to complain that I handled this in a cowardly way - I showed that the specific thing the journalist quoted wasn’t a reference to The Bell Curve, but I never answered the broader question of what I thought of the book. They demanded I come out and give my opinion openly. Well, the most direct answer is that I've never read it. But that's kind of cowardly too - I've read papers and articles making what I assume is the same case. So what do I think of them? - Book Review: The Cult Of Smart
дальше он длинно и запутанно пытается прояснить свое отношение к книге, которую не читал. собственно, это все, что нужно знать про Scott Alexander [Siskind]

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